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chapter forty-two.

The following morning Karina rolled over and smiled at the sight of a shirtless Jasper. She knew that he could feel her watching him as he stretched, and she bit her lip at the sight of his muscles flexing with each movement.

Jasper smirked as he looked over his shoulder at her, "Like what you see darlin'?" He joked.

Karina hummed, placing a hand under her head to keep it elevated. "Hmm I don't know. Do it again."

Jasper laughed as he walked over to her, "Good morning to you too beautiful." He placed a kiss on her forehead and Karina leaned into him.

"Hello handsome." Karina complimented back and Jasper chuckled.

Jasper opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by his phone ringing, he groaned in annoyance at being interrupted with his mate while Karina kissed him before sliding out of the bed. She shivered as the cold air hit her almost nude body, and winked at Jasper when he looked at her hungrily.

She walked to his closet and grabbed one of his button up shirts. Karina turned around to see that Jasper had slipped on a pair of jeans but was still shirtless. Smiling at the sight, she finished buttoning up her top and tossed him a shirt as well. He quickly slipped it on before looking at Karina nervously.

"What now?" She asked him while placing her hands on her hips.

"My story about Maria using me, made Bella come to her senses." Jasper told her and Karina nodded her head. "Meaning now her and Edward believe that Victoria is behind all of this."

Karina felt her anger rise, no it skyrocketed, and she wanted nothing more than to kick Edward's ass while Bella watched. Karina clenched her eyes shut and Jasper noticed how she was trembling with rage, he could feel her anger.

"Karina, breathe." Jasper instructed her and Karina didn't realize that she wasn't breathing until she took in a deep breath. "Do you want me to punch Edward for you?"

Karina couldn't help but laugh, she smiled at Jasper and shook her head. "No, just go. I'm going to stop at home and check on William."

Jasper nodded his head and kissed Karina before leaving her to continue getting ready. Karina walked into his connected bathroom and picked up the toothbrush that he had gotten for her, she smiled at the bright yellow color of it.

Quickly brushing her teeth, Karina crouched down and opened the cabinet underneath the sink. She was debating on showering there or at home. However, that all flew out the window when her eyes landed on the package of pads and tampons that Jasper had gotten for her.

She remembered that day very well.

How flustered Jasper was when Karina asked him to get her some because she was expecting her period soon. Now, with everything that's been happening, it didn't even cross her mind that it could be a possibility.

It wasn't possible.

It couldn't be possible.

Karina rushed back into Jasper's room and slipped on a pair of her shorts before grabbing her keys off his nightstand and running down the stairs. No one questioned her fast pace, all of them assumed that she was just excited to see William.

No one would guess that Karina was going to switch up her plans.

Karina stood inside of a convenience store, she was still wearing Jasper's shirt but changed into a pair of jeans after she checked on William.

She smiled as she thought of her little brother who had chatted her ear off about summer vacation. About the things that he wanted to do, the friends he wanted to hang out with, and it killed Karina to take it all away from him.

But if her thoughts were right, she couldn't stay in Forks.


Karina jumped and turned to her head to see Jessica, she was holding a shopping basket in her hand, and it was already almost full.

"I was- uhm, it's for my mom." Karina lied and Jessica didn't believe her.

"With Charlie's baby?" Jessica asked her while approaching her.

"Okay so it's for me." Karina confessed and Jessica looked shocked.

Karina bit her bottom lip to keep it from trembling, but Jessica saw the tears forming and her heart broke for her friend. "Hey no, I'm not judging. Do you want some help?"

Karina just wanted her mom.

The minute that her eyes landed on her period items, she wanted to talk to her mom more than anything, but she was too afraid to. That would lead to a conversation that she wasn't ready to have, she didn't want to hurt her mother, but she knew that in the end, it was going to hurt her regardless.

Karina was a coward, she knew this very well. It was why she was here, alone, and terrified for the outcome of taking these tests.

Jessica took the lead, she grabbed a total of three tests and a water bottle for Karina. Jessica paid for everything and shook Karina off when the girl offered to pay her back, in Jessica's eyes this was nothing compared to the things that Karina had bought them.

Karina had never been to Jessica's house, but she loved the feeling of home that it gave her. She held back a laugh as she saw Jessica's room, it was littered with Polaroid photos here and there, her prom queen crown was set nicely on her desk with some framed photos around it.

Her room just screamed Jessica, and Karina loved it.

However, you couldn't miss the several boxes that were lying around her room, waiting to be packed to the brim with her things.

"Sorry about the boxes, I'm packing early. You know me, gotta be prepared." Jessica rambled nervously and Karina smiled at her.

"I'm scared." Karina admitted while hugging herself. "My dad wasn't the best after my mom was gone, but he did try. I was the one who pushed him away because I was angry and god, I regret that so much now that he's gone. My mom is working herself to death because apparently Charlie and Sue are somewhat together and she's heartbroken. I'm scared that somewhere along this road, I'm going to mess up."

Jessica took hold of Karina's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Karina, you're like a momma bear. You worry about everyone but yourself and with this child, it'll be no different. You'll be a great mom and with how you are around William, I know that you're going to be a natural."

Karina sniffled and gave Jessica a hug, "Okay. Let's do this."

Karina barely needed to touch the water bottle, though the notion was appreciated. Her bladder was already full seeing as she had yet to pee in the morning, she rushed to check on William before going straight to the store.

Whilst she was waiting, Karina texted Jasper that she was going to be late because she ran into Jessica at the store and the two were doing some catching up. It wasn't a complete lie, but it also wasn't the full truth.

Karina jumped when her timer went off, she slowly stood to her feet while Jessica stood by the door. Her heart was thumping harshly against her rib cage, and she feared that she would have a heart attack if it went any faster.

Looking at the three sticks that were on a paper towel, Karina felt as if the wind was knocked out of her. Jessica rushed to Karina's side as the girl covered her mouth to muffle the sob that dared to fly out.

Two lines.

Karina was pregnant.

• • •

*cries* I'm not ready...

also yes, Karina's pregnancy happened a lot faster than Bella's did, I believe Bella realized two weeks later whereas it's not the same for Karina. idk if i explained further along but we'll both find out as i am still editing it lol

till next time!
- M A R I E

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