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Karina and Elijah's outfits for when Bella wakes up is up top!

chapter sixty.

"So why aren't you helping Alice clean Bella?" Leah asked Karina as they were both watching Elijah run around with Seth in the yard.

"You're my son's imprint." Karina stated, "While that makes me happy, it also worries me." Karina confesses to her while smiling at the sound of Elijah's loud laughter.

"Worries you?" Leah asked her, "Do you not approve?"

Karina laughed, shaking her head. "I love that you have someone Leah, I really do. It's just does that mean you're Elijah's soulmate like Javier is to Alice. Will that mean you're going to change too?"

Leah made a face at that, "I don't think I could do it." She confessed. "I mean, vampires are the reason that I phased in the first place, it's the reason that I killed my dad." She whispered sadly.

"Leah." Karina pulled the girl into her arms. "You can't keep blaming yourself, phasing is uncontrollable the first time. Harry wouldn't want you to blame yourself."

Leah sniffled softly, "How do I not? When I phased, I sent him into shock and gave him a heart attack. Then Seth phased too from my father's heart attack." She wiped her eyes. "It's my fault Rin and I can never forgive myself for it."

Karina ran her hands through Leah's hair and kissed the top of her head. "Shhh, you're going to be okay."

Bella had been in transition for two days, in those two days, Renesmee grew just as fast, and Elijah was now speaking sentences.

"Mama, is Aunty Bell gonna wake up soon?" Elijah asked her as Karina had gone to check on the girl.

Karina smiled at her son and nodded her head, "Yes baby, very soon."

Elijah smiled at that, he had been asking Karina about her since Karina often told Elijah about how her and Bella met. He seemed to enjoy the story a lot, but he liked hearing about her and Jasper's first date.

"Alright, who's hungry?" Jasper's voice rang out and Elijah immediately raised his hand.

"Me! Me!" He cheered and Karina giggled while lifting him into his arms.

Elijah was placed onto his designated chair while Jasper placed a bowl of macaroni in front of him. As Elijah grew, blood was no longer a sustainable amount of food for him. So, Karina dared to try human food and so far, his favorite thing to eat is macaroni.

Jasper placed a sippy cup down next to him, it was filled with blood and Elijah switched off between both items. Karina laughed softly and drank her own cup of animal blood.

Walking over to Karina, Jasper wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. "I love you."

Karina smiled at this and set her cup down before turning in his hold to look at him. "And I love you too."

"I love you three!" Elijah chirped making the couple laugh as they looked at him.

He had gotten macaroni all over his face, but he looked so adorable. He had a cheesy smile on his face that made Karina's heart swoon.

"Alright, let's get you cleaned up baby." Karina told him before she pecked Jasper on the lips and lifted Elijah into her arms. "I heard Aunty Bell might wake up today."

Elijah's eyes lit up at the thought, "Look nice." He told his mother and Karina laughed while nodding her head.

While Jasper cleaned up Elijah's mess, Karina got him changed into something casual yet nice. Once Elijah was dressed, Karina met with Jasper, and he pulled them into his arms.

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