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how i envision Elijah to look is up above!

Elijah and Leah!

Elijah sat beside the window, a cup of blood in his hand as he watched Seth and Leah outside talk with one another. While he could've easily eavesdropped on them, he didn't want to invade or get scolded for it by his mother.

Seth looked older now, he had grown out his hair and it suited him. Since things had calmed down in Forks, Seth didn't feel the need to phase anymore. His hair length correlated with his wolf's fur length but since he rarely phased anymore, he didn't care. He actually liked having long hair and Elijah agreed that it suited him.

"Eli, what are you doing?"

Elijah's head turned at the sound of his mom's voice, since he was a child, she's always been beautiful to him. Their freckled faces matched along with their eyes, but he definitely got his curly hair from his father, not that he minded.

"Watching Leah talk to Seth." He told her and Karina smiled at how nonchalant he sounded about it. "What else would I be doing?"

Karina shrugged, "I don't know, reading, writing, something other than stalk your soulmate through our living room window."

Elijah cracked a smile at this and shook his head, "It's been five years since your wedding mother, I'm still waiting for her. I'm full grown at this point!"

"Have you tried again?" Karina asked him while glancing out the window to see Leah laughing at something Seth said. "It has been five year since then."

"Seth is 21 now and is going to college in Seattle." Elijah says and Karina knew that he was changing the subject. "With his grades, he'll finish sooner than expected."

Karina hummed and nodded her head, "Seth has always been ahead, I hope he finds his imprint though."

"He has." Elijah tells her and Karina's eyes widen at this. "She's a cute girl, spunky with a lot of sass, but cute for him."

"Really, what's her name?" Karina asked and Elijah smiled at the excitement in her tone.

"Her name is Jasmine and thank you for telling Rina my big news." Seth spoke up making both Elijah and Karina turn around. "Rina, how are you?"

Karina stood up and rushed over to Seth and she pulled him in for a hug with a squeal. "Seth, my baby wolf, I've missed you!"

Seth chuckles and rocks the two of them back and forth, "I've missed you too! How long are you back in town for?"

Karina was only in town for a while, William's 19th birthday was this week, and he was going to be traveling to New York to begin his studies on taking over their father's company. William wanted to take over, even more so after he was labeled a genius growing up. However, he also wanted to see Karina and spend time with both her and Elijah.

"Well, William's birthday is this week, so we'll be here until he flies out to New York to meet with my cousin Damien and begins working within the company." Karina explained to him.

"And if he refuses to hand over the company when Will's 21?" Seth asked her.

Karina smirked, "Damien won't refuse, even if he wants to. His wife hates the long nights, and he made a promise that he would do the right thing."

"Ah promises." Seth said with a smile, "Can't break them all the time."

"This was fun, I'm going to go for a run." Elijah spoke up and he gave Seth a nod of acknowledgement before leaving.

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