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chapter fifty-nine.

Later that night, Karina was playing with Elijah in the living room. Javier was there as well, having stated that they weren't getting enough bonding time. Karina was worried as the others had done out hunting, but Paul had gone with them, so Karina felt better and reluctantly stayed behind.

"How are you and Alice?" Karina asked as Elijah continued to toss things around with his abilities.

Javier sighed, "Still at odds. I know that she's scared for Bella like all of us are, but I just don't agree with not believing it's a baby. It's just a baby!" He stressed.

Karina hummed, "Edward just barely came to his senses when he heard his baby's thoughts. He apologized to Jasper and me, but I assured him that there was no hard feelings but that I still didn't forgive him, and I believe Jasper feels the same way."

"How do you do it?" Javier asked her and Karina looked at him confused. "Continue to stand by them, yet hold a grudge?"

Karina laughed, "I get that from my mother. Heart of gold but can hold grudges like no other."

Javier was about to ask her to explain but there was a sickening snap that caused them both to still.

"Stay with Eli." Karina told him before she was gone.

Karina followed the frantic voices to the operating room and her eyes widened at the sight of Bella. "Rosalie, pass the morphine." Edward spoke.

"Carlisle said the placenta must've detached." Alice spoke up while she was on the phone. "He's coming as fast as he can."

Rosalie picked up a scalpel, "We'll have to do it."

Before Rosalie could touch Bella, Karina's eyes flashed, and she stopped Rosalie. "Not a chance." She growled, knowing that both Rosalie and Alice would lose it.

"Rose! Let the morphine spread." Edward snapped at her.

"There's no time. He's dying." Rosalie snapped back.

Frantic, Bella yelled, "Get him out now!"

Karina let go of Rosalie and was immediately holding Bella's hand as Rosalie cut her stomach. Bella let out a scream and Karina noticed how Rosalie seemed to freeze, the sight and smell of Bella's blood distracting her.

"Rosalie, don't!" Karina jumped when Jacob suddenly launched himself over the table and body slammed Rosalie to the ground.

"Alice, get her out of here!" Edward demanded his sister, who dragged Rosalie from the room. "Karina, I need you to keep her awake." Karina nodded her head.

"Save her! You've got to change her!" Jacob yelled as Bella was only in more pain.

Edward shook his head, "I can't, not whilst he's still in there. I got to get him out first."

"Bella, I need you to stay with me." Karina urged as she captured Bella attention. "Do you remember what I said to you when you told me what happened between you and Edward?"

A pained smiled appeared on Bella's face as she nodded, "You said "And you didn't snap at him or stab him with a pencil?""

Karina nodded her head, "Yes, good. I remember when I saved you from Tyler's van and all I could think was, thank god it's me and not her." Bella cried softly, both from Karina's words and the pain. "And right now, I really wish I could do this for you Bella."

Bella was about to speak when she suddenly yelled out. "He's suffocating!"

Karina looked over to see Edward biting into Bella as the scalpel wasn't working against the sac. Bella cried out in pain and Karina held her down as Edward worked on delivering the baby.

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