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chapter fifty.

One month.

Javier, Bella, and Paul stayed by Karina's side for one month which William loved more than anything. Aurora was hesitant but when they all promised that Jasper didn't know where they were or that they left (to their knowledge), she felt better with them staying.

Them being there gave Karina and Bella a chance to finally talk about everything. Karina was able to explain that she was nowhere near ready to forgive Bella or Edward, the two seriously needed to stop thinking only about themselves and remember that there are other people involved with all of this.

Bella said that she understood but a part of Karina didn't buy it. Still the two were working on things and Karina simply wanted her friend back.

Karina had looked about ready to pop which worried Aurora, but Karina made her mother and the other's leave. William started school soon and Karina wanted to spend a little more time there before she returned as well.

They've been gone a week already and Karina missed them but there was something about this place that made her feel closer to her dad. It was something that made her feel at peace more and at the moment, she really needed that feeling.

She wanted Jasper to be here with her and the fact that he wasn't, the fact that he was so far away from her, killed her. It was a crushing feeling but as she placed her hands on her stomach and felt her baby kick, Karina smiled despite the pain it brought her.

Karina had gone through the blood quickly and she was down to her last few which was another indicator that she really needed to go home. Since she was getting low, she took less of it which wasn't a good idea, but she needed it to last. So now, the baby's kicks hurt and sometimes knocked the wind out of her.

"We're in this together." She promised as she sat on the patio with a hand on her stomach.

Karina had grown more and looked ready to pop at any moment when in reality she was only two months pregnant. Her mother had created a timeline with her, if need be, so if someone asked, Karina would say that she and Jasper were intimate when he came back thus making her about six months even though she didn't look it.

Karina pulled out her new phone, courtesy of Javier, and unlocked it. He had bought her a new phone and she had gotten a new number but saved all her old contacts. She had yet to contact anyone but Jessica and Angela as she missed the two girls greatly.

She scrolled through her apps before finding the one that she was looking for. Clicking on the FaceTime button, Karina started a group call and waited for a few moments before Jessica and Angela's face appeared onto her phone.

"My babies!" Karina smiled at them, "I've missed you."

"Rina!" Jessica cheered happily.

"It's so not the same without you here!" Angela told her honestly and Karina laughed.

"Tell me what I've missed." Karina urged and they instantly did just that.

Angela told her about how her and Ben were getting serious and were even having conversations about their future. Jessica told her about the boy she met and who appears to genuinely like her which she found shocking but refreshing.

"How is the pregnant life treating you?" Angela asked her after a moment.

Jessica bit the inside of her cheek, "Has he called?"

Karina smiled sadly and shook her head, "Not yet no."

Karina lied to Jessica and Angela about why she suddenly left kind of. She told them how Jasper didn't want to have a baby yet, but Karina did, so she ran because she didn't want an abortion of any kind. They were super supportive, and it warmed Karina's heart to know that she had them to talk to as well.

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