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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter sixty-eight.

As the days continued to pass, with Bella training and Karina taking care of Elijah, the two parents were beginning to worry when Christmas was fast approaching, and the snow was beginning to fall but not sticking.

Not yet anyways.

There was still that over looming fear that clung onto Karina like a second skin. Neither Jasper or Alice had called and Nahuel and Huilen were no longer answering her texts.

As Bella had finally found Alice's clue, she had called Karina to join her on the journey to meet someone names J. Jenks. Deciding that she wasn't going to hide away for the day, Karina agreed.

Karina had dropped off Elijah at her mother's house with Leah before meeting up with Bella at her place. Bella had just finished saying goodbye to Jacob and her dad, much to Karina's relief.

"Are you ready?" Karina called out to the brunette.

Bella nodded her head and Karina climbed into the passenger seat of the car. "Alice's note told me to meet with this person. That's where we're going."

Karina nodded her head and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, "I'm scared." Karina admitted to her, "This is going to get people killed and I'm scared to find out who."

Bella took Karina's hand into her own, "We'll make it out of this."

Karina gave her a small smile, the two hadn't really spent any time together in the upcoming days. Bella had been practicing almost all the time with Kate to help flourish her gift and Karina spent her days keeping herself sane.

"I'm sorry Rina." Bella suddenly apologized as they began their drive to Seattle.

"For what?" Karina shot Bella a confused look, "You haven't done anything."

Bella shook her head, "Except I have. I haven't been there for you, I've been worrying about everything else but you and you're one of my best friends, you don't deserve that."

Karina laughed softly and shook her head at Bella, "Bella, we both have our own families now. You can't always worry about me like I did with you, because now we have to worry about our kids and their safety. Yes, I haven't completely forgiven you but for right now, we're okay."

Bella felt a little better hearing that and squeezed Karina's hand, at least they were okay.

Arriving at the restaurant, Bella and Karina had their arms looped together as they approached the hostess. Bella could see that Karina was nervous and decided that she would handle all the talking.

"Hi, we're meeting Mr. Jenks." Bella told her and the woman looked down at her books before nodding her head.

"Right this way." Following the woman, Karina and Bella were lead to a private table.

Karina and Bella sat alone for a few moments before a man approached them. "Mrs. Cullen and Mrs. Whitlock?"

Karina's heart fluttered at the sound of Jasper's last name and smiled at the man.

"Hi." Bella responded and both her and Karina shook his hand.

Mr. Jenks pushed in both of their seats before sitting across from them. "I'm so happy you called." He told them both, "I always meet my private clients here. It's more comfortable than the office."

Karina nodded her head, "And it's more public." She noted which caused Mr. Jenks to smile at her. "What type of work do you do, J?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, "Oh, you know, this and that. It's always different, which keeps it interesting."

"Have you known Alice and Jasper long?" Bella asked him while taking hold of Karina's hand under the table.

"I've been working with them for more than 20 years. And my late partner knew Jasper 15 years before that. He is, uh, unusually well-preserved." He explained to her.

Bella nodded her head in agreement, "Yes, he is."

"I trust that Mr. Jasper is enjoying his vacation." Karina stilled at this, and Bella felt her do it.

Bella inched forward slightly, "He didn't tell you where he was going, did he?"

Mr. Jenks shook his head, "No, no, no, he just mentioned that he was leaving when he came by to place his order."

Bella deflated slightly and Karina pretended to do the same. "I assume that his order is ready?" She asked him, curious as to what it was.

Mr. Jenks nodded his head, "Of course. I've never been late with a delivery."

Karina and Bella perked up when he slid over an envelope towards them, the two scooted closer together as Bella tore it open to look at what was inside. Karina felt her heart sink when she noticed the passports and documentation for Renesmee, Jacob, Elijah, and Leah.

Noticing the looks on their faces, he spoke up, "There a problem?"

Bella stuffed the papers back inside and shook her head, "No, we thought that we'd all be traveling together."

Mr. Jenks shook his head, "Jasper said only four were traveling. His instructions were very clear."

Bella and Karina are both clearly disappointed but don't voice it. "It's my mistake. Apparently, that's not going to happen." Bella tells him and he nods his head.

The two girls shared a knowing look, their kids would have a future, but they wouldn't be in it.

When Karina arrived home, she was drained.

She walked into Elijah's room to find him asleep already with Leah laying down beside him. She quietly walked to her room and opened up the closet, there on the ground was ready a backpack prepared for Elijah and herself.

She had hoped that they would be going together but apparently that wasn't going to happen. She knew that it was the right call, that he would be safer this way, but it didn't not crush her any less.

Quickly putting her clothes back, she then walked downstairs to the guest room where Leah had been staying. She quickly filled Leah's bag with clothes, the passports and documents, and some money.

Once that was settled, Karina walked back upstairs and placed the bag next to Elijah's. She quickly pulled out her journal and flipped to a new page.

I know that you're old enough to understand. I need you to know that I love you, your dad loves you, and I know Leah will keep you safe. I don't want to be apart, but should anything happen to us, at least I know that you'll be safe and that you're going to live your life.

Everything you need is here, Leah will know where to go as I've left her a set of instructions.

You're going to be okay.
I love you.

Karina stuffed the journal into Elijah's pack before zipping it back up and laying down in bed. She could hear the faint breathing that belonged to Leah and Elijah, the sound calmed her down, but she still couldn't help but feel that same bubbling feeling of dread build up inside of her.

She was afraid and not one single word of encouragement would change that.

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