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Karina's outfit is up top along with a little visual for William's birthday!

chapter fifty-four.

Karina refused to leave Forks.

When Jasper had told her of his plan to take her to England, so the pack wouldn't find out about Elijah, Karina wasn't having it. If she left, then she would miss William's birthday and she had been planning that since her return.

"Okay, so you know what to do when he gets fussy right?" Karina asked Rosalie, who was holding Elijah in her arms.

Rosalie laughed and nodded her head, "Yes, now go before William gets home first."

Karina hated the idea of leaving Elijah behind, but she would bring both her mom and William to see Elijah after the party. With one last kiss on Elijah's head, Karina was then literally pulled from the house by her fiancé.

Elijah had grown faster than anticipated which resulted in Karina or Rosalie buying more clothes for him. He didn't look like he was a week old, instead he looked like he could be at least three or four months old.

Elijah had shown to prefer animal blood over human food but just like when he was in the womb, he loved sweets which made Karina laugh.

"He'll be fine." Jasper promised her as they got into the car. "Rosalie adores him and is glad that we asked her to watch him and not Javi."

"Oh right!" Karina suddenly remembered. "Why was Javi holding Eli when I woke up?"

Jasper smiled at their son's nickname before chuckling, "Something about the wolf inside of him felt the need to protect him. I could only ever calm down Elijah when he was crying though, being held by Javier only ever seemed to piss him off." Jasper explained and Karina laughed softly.

"I would pay to see that." She joked and Jasper shook his head.

"Technically you could, if you used your gift." Jasper told her and at the mention of her gift, Karina stilled.

She had indeed perfected it when she was in bardo but now she had full reign of it, and it seemed even more unstable. It was just two days ago that when she went hunting, it flared off on its own and she accidentally hurt Emmett. It was as if it had a mind of its own and it terrified Karina, so she's been doing her best to keep it under wraps.

"I know you're afraid, but you can't not use your gift, it'll get more unstable if you do." Jasper told he while taking her hand into his own.

Karina sighed and nodded her head, "I know, I just don't want to hurt someone."

"How about after this, after the party, we practice, alright?" Jasper offered and Karina nodded her head while Jasper lifted her hand and kissed it before coming to a halt in front of her mom's house.

Karina exited the car as her mother was stepping outside. "Thank god!" Aurora nearly sobbed as she wrapped her arms around Karina's neck and hugged her tightly. "I was so worried."

Karina smiled and gave her mother a gentle squeeze, "Everything worked out." Karina told her mom and Aurora nodded her head.

Karina had told her, earlier on the phone, about not being able to talk about her son around the pack and Aurora made sure that she relayed the message to William. While Karina was afraid of the packs reaction, she missed them. William insisted that the pack be there for his birthday and Karina made sure that it happened.

Getting to work, Aurora and Karina managed to turn the house into the party place that Karina had envisioned. It was themed and Karina made sure that it would be a day that William wouldn't forget.

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