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chapter sixty-one.

"Leaving?" Karina questioned as she sat with Jasper in the Cullen's living room.

"Bella can't stay here, Charlie has been calling for weeks now and he needs to mourn to avoid questions." Edward explained to her.

"So, you'd all just leave?" Karina asked in disbelief. "Lie to Charlie and let people believe that she's dead?"

"It's the safest way." Carlisle added in and Karina didn't believe it.

"We should probably do the same with you." Edward told her and Karina stilled.

"Excuse me?" She snarled and Jasper was immediately wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her from attacking. "My mother already saw me, William saw me, and they've met Elijah." She told him and Jasper nodded his head. "What fucking lie would you use, Edward?"

Edward flinched at her tone and was genuinely afraid of her. "Karina-"

Edward didn't get to finish as he was being tossed outside the house by Karina's ability. Edward cried out in pain and Bella inched to help him but found that she was bound in place by Karina's ability.

"Karina." Bella pleaded but it fell on deaf ears.

"You know," Karina let out a bitter laugh as she approached the staggering vampire. "I've had it up to here," She raised her hand to indicate the level she was at. "With you trying to control my goddamn life for the sake of Bella." Edward cried out when Karina sent him into another tree. "First you made Jasper leave town by guilt tripping him, toxic as shit by the way, then you ignore me about Victoria, and let's not add in about how you were against my child which wasn't any of your damn business by way.. now this?"

"Karina, its best for everyone if we leave." Edward tried again but Karina wasn't having it.

Everyone gasped when Karina shattered Edward's arm, not completely taking it off but shattering it enough to where he was screaming in pain.

"Better for who!?" Karina yelled at him. "God, you're so fucking selfish and can't even think of just the two of you leaving, you have to take everyone with you? You and Bella can go fucking anywhere, why do you always fucking insist on making everyone follow you? We have lives for fucks sake! Lives that don't involve you and making sure that Bella stays alive because you want everyone to care about her as much as you do." She snarled and everyone was in shock at her words.

"Karina, stop." Bella shouted at her. "I'm sorry." She apologized, "This was what we decided, and we should have took into consideration how everyone felt."

"But you never do." Karina stressed and almost wanted to laugh. "Do not get me started on you Bella because I love you, I do but my god you and Edward are perfect for each other." She shook her head. "You would choose him time and time again, no matter who it hurts and what consequences that follow. He would go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe without considering anyone else involved. But together, you guys don't care about anyone but yourselves."

With that Karina released her hold on everyone from helping Edward and started to head home where she knew she'd find Leah, Seth, and her son.

"Jacob, you blubbering idiot!"

Jacob ran outside, away from the raging Karina. "Karina, hear me out!" He pleaded but all Karina saw was red.

"You told Charlie! Charlie of all people!" She seethed and Jasper was holding her back from lunging at the poor male. "He's going to have questions now!"

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