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chapter sixty-seven.

After Karina's fight with Edward, they had made sure not to piss her off. Not that it mattered because Karina was a short fuse and was itching for a reason to go off on someone, she didn't even hide that she wouldn't mind if it was Bella and Edward that made her snap.

Leah reminded her though that she couldn't do that, that she should just focus on Elijah and herself.

However, it was when two new vampires arrived that made Karina antsy. The two weren't even invited and Karina didn't understand why they were allowed to stay when their main reason for being there was to fight with the Volturi, but even she knew that they were going to war no matter what.

"When Aro wants someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed some crime." Eleazar explained to everyone as they were all gathered in the living room.

Karina was holding onto Leah's hand for dear life while she leaned against Javier who had his arm wrapped around her. Paul was standing behind them with a hard look on his face and everyone could see that they were all keeping Karina calm since Elijah was in the other room with Seth.

"So, he's done this before?" Bella asked before looking over at Karina who looked sick.

"It happens so rarely, I never realized it was a pattern." He told her and Karina held back a scoff.

"Apparently he always pardons one person whose thoughts he claims are repentant." Carlisle explained further.

Eleazar nodded his head in agreement and added, "This person always has an ability. And they're always given a place with the Guard."

"This is all about Alice." Edward spoke up and Karina stiffened, "He has no one like her."

Bella then understood as well, "Which is why she left."

"Why does he need witnesses?" Emmett then dared to ask.

Alistair, man that Karina didn't really talk too, stepped forward. "To spread the word that justice has been served. After he slaughters an entire coven."

"Benjamin, Tia, we're leaving." Amun demanded while walking towards the door to leave.

"And where will you go?" Edward asked him, stopping him in place. "What makes you think they'll be satisfied with Alice? What's to stop them from going after Benjamin next? Or Zafrina or Kate or anyone else with a gift? Anyone they want. Their goal isn't punishment, it's power. It's acquisition."

"You didn't mention Karina in that." Paul spoke up and Edward looked at him. "Don't they know about Karina now and her ability?"

Edward shook his head, "Irina has never seen Karina use it and when Aro last looked into my mind, I hadn't seen it either. He doesn't know about Karina yet."


The word filled Karina to the brim with dread as she clenched her eyes shut. Leah noticed how several things were beginning to float and squeezed Karina's hand, making her relax and slowly put the items down before anyone noticed what could've happened.

Karina then spoke up, surprising everyone. "Carlisle might not ask you to fight, but I will." They looked at her with wide eyes, "For the sake of my family but for yours as well. It's as Alistair said, you'll be on Aro's list for being here, but I beg you to stand by us. Help us make this right, because my son doesn't deserve this. Renesmee doesn't deserve this. Stand by us for the way you want to live."

"The packs will fight." Jacob stated as he stood to his feet, "We've never been afraid of vampires."

The Delani's stood next, "We will fight."

"This won't be the first time I fought a king's rule." Garrett smirked as he stepped forward as well.

Benjamin stood as well, "We'll join you."

Amun turned towards Benjamin, "No."

Benjamin looked at him with a calm expression, "I will do the right thing, Amun. You may do as you please."

"We will stand with you." Senna told them all.

Siobhan, of the Irish Coven spoke up next, "So will we."

Karina made eye contact with Peter and Charlotte, he nodded his head at her, and Karina felt relieved that he was staying. The others all agreed on staying which made Karina feel a lot better.

"That didn't take much." Vladimir muttered and Karina glared at him.

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that." Edward told him with a pointed look.

The next day, Karina was in the backyard of her house with Elijah and Leah watching her from the porch. She sat in the middle of yard with her legs crossed and her eyes shut tightly as she tried to concentrate.

Karina was dressed in her workout gear with her hair tied up into a ponytail. Her eyes were closed but from where Elijah and Leah sat, they could see that she was making the small pebbles around her float around.

Suddenly, in a flash the pebbles flew towards a tree, the impact making a loud crack echo through the forest. A yelp could be heard as Karina purposely missed the person whom she felt watching her.

"Continue to stare at me and next time I won't miss." Karina called out to them before opening her eyes slowly.

"Easy there now." Karina narrowed her eyes when Alistair stepped into view. "I just wanted to see what all the hype about you was."

Karina scoffed and jumped to her feet. "Right and I'm supposed to believe that?" Alistair was about to speak when suddenly he was floating in the air and being pulled towards Karina, who just looked bored with him. "Now, why are you really here because I've had it with everyone testing my limits."

Alistair looked slightly afraid as Karina continued to stare at him with emotionless eyes. "They're praising your gift and I just wanted to see it." He explained to her.

Karina rolled her eyes and released him from her hold, "I mean honestly, it's not that great really." She told him before stretching out her numb limbs, "I mean I can do a great deal of damage but it's not great."

"You nearly broke off Edward's leg the other night." He reminded her and Karina laughed softly, "I think that makes it pretty great."

"He pissed me off." She told him, "That's the only reason why I even cracked it in the first place." She explained before heading towards her house, not caring that he was following behind her.

"I still don't believe that you don't know why Alice and Jasper left." He told her and Karina halted in her steps. "From what I've heard, you two promised not to keep secrets."

Karina rolled her eyes and willed herself to keep calm. "I don't care what you think or believe. From what I've witnessed you don't even need to be here, you're a coward and no matter how much loyalty you have towards Carlisle, you'll run like a dog with a tail between its legs."

Alistair glared at Karina, ready to start a fight with her but when he heard growling behind him and spotted two wolves, he knew that he was outnumbered greatly. With a shake of his head, he was gone but even he knew that Karina was right.

In the end, he wouldn't stand by the family but there was part of him that hoped he would.

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