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chapter fifteen.

Karina and Jasper arrived at their destination, a fancy looking restaurant that was three hours away in Seattle.

The last thing Karina expected was for Jasper to drive them that far and she wondered if he had told her mother at least of his plans because Karina had no clue.

"Why couldn't you just choose a place in Port Angeles?" Karina pondered as they were seated across from one another. "Also why are we at a restaurant when you don't eat?"

"I'm attempting at being normal here Karina." He told her, a small smile on his face. "Just go along with it."

Karina hummed playfully, tapping her finger against her chin. "I don't know. Probably should have asked me out before I knew what you were." She joked and Jasper laughed.

"You have to make it difficult, don't you?" He asked her and Karina just smirked at him.

Just then, the waiter walked over, and Jasper's mood deflated at the feelings he was getting from the male. "Hi, I'll be your server for the evening. Is there anything we can start you off with?"

Karina noticed how Jasper looked annoyed all of a sudden and frowned before speaking. "No, we'll just need a moment." She smiled at him and then realized why Jasper was annoyed.

The boy nodded his head and sent Karina a wink before walking away.

"Jas." Karina called out to him, and she didn't even flinch at how his eyes had darkened. "Hey, stop that." She scolded him softly while reaching across the table and taking his hand into her own. "Normal, remember?"

Jasper sighed and nodded his head, he focused solely on Karina and felt himself relax at the emotions that she was sending towards him. She was happy, excited, and that was enough to settle the anger inside of him.

"Better?" Karina asked him with a raised brow.

Jasper chuckled and nodded his head, not letting go of Karina's hand. "With you, always."

Dinner had been a disaster.

Well for the waiter, that is.

Karina had grown tired of his "subtle" flirting and ended up pouring her glass of water over his head before asking for the check. Jasper didn't even feel bad, he was smug and cheekily smiling at the waiter as they paid for their meal before leaving.

"Stop looking so smug, Hale." Karina spoke up as her and Jasper walked around together.

Jasper smiled at her, "I don't know what you're talking about." He dismissed playfully making Karina roll her eyes at him.

"He had it coming, and you know it." She told him while moving closer to him.

Jasper smiled at the action and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side. "Better you dealt with it than I."

She hummed, resting her head against him. "Oh yes. Can't have my vampire boyfriend killing any of the locals that dare breathe in my direction." Karina's eyes widened at her words, "I mean, n-not that I assume t-that we're dating or that w-we are just like-" She stuttered, her cheeks heating up while Jasper chuckled.

"I would love to be your boyfriend, Karina." He told her sincerely and Karina felt her heart soar. "Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked her, stopping in place so that he could look at her.

Karina looked up at him and suddenly had an idea. "I don't know, Hale." She joked and Jasper could feel her amusement. "Depends on how quick you can catch me."

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