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chapter twenty-one.

Death was something unfamiliar to Karina Baxter.

She didn't know what grief felt like until an hour after she got off of the phone with her mother, her dad flat lined from his injuries. Karina remembered sitting beside him while William slept on the couch in the room, she remembered speaking to him as if he would answer her at any moment, and she remembered how she sobbed when the doctor and nurses tried to revive him.

Karina wasn't sure what the next step was, she wasn't completely sure how one was supposed to deal with these emotions because she was stuck. Against her better judgment, Bella didn't tell anyone not even the Cullen's about what Karina was going through in New York.

Bella and Charlie stayed with Aurora and Karina as they got Andrew's affairs in order. Such as planning a funeral, where it would be held and who would come. Aurora knew Andrew better than anyone and while Cindy pretended to be in mourning, Karina had overheard her on the phone speaking about how she was about to get everything that Andrew owned from his will.

That day was today.

Karina, Aurora, Cindy, and William all sat in Andrew's lawyer's office. Aurora was shocked to see that William clung to Karina's side but found it to be adorable. William sat between Karina and his mother and Aurora sat on the other side of Karina, holding one hand while William held the other.

The door to the room opened and everyone but William stiffened. William didn't know what was going on, all he knew was that he was supposed to be there.

"Hi, sorry to keep you waiting." Karina and Aurora's head snapped up at the sound of Nathaniel's voice.

He was Andrew's best friend, Karina's Uncle, and lawyer apparently.

"We were having some issues with the press, but it's been handled." He explained while sitting across from them all. "Shall we get started?"

Nodding their heads, Karina tightened her hold on her mother's hand as her heart began to pound in her chest. Every inch of her was trembling and she wondered if William and her mom could tell, still she made sure not to let it show on her face as Nathaniel began to speak.

"First order of business, I'd like to say how sorry I am for your loss." Karina felt her heart break even more as his voice cracked. "Andrew was my best friend and he loved you all so much." Placing a clenched fist near his mouth, he cleared his throat and blinked away the tears. "Okay, I'll read what's written here." Karina closed her eyes and mentally began to prepare herself.

Picking up a piece of paper, Nathaniel began to read. "To those I love, if you're reading this then that means I've passed. Whether it be because it was my time or some other reason, I'm sorry." Karina felt the tears fall as Nathaniel's words became almost fuzzy in her ears. "To my first wife Aurora, I leave our vacation house in Siargao because I know how much you loved it there. I leave other properties in your name, but Nathaniel will tell you all about that." Nathaniel and Aurora chuckled, wiping away the tears.

"To my second wife Cindy, I leave our second home in Manhattan to you since it was always your favorite place." When Nathaniel didn't continue with Cindy, Karina could see that Cindy was in utter disbelief. "To my children, my sweet, sweet children. I wish that I had more time with you but no matter what, I love you." Karina covered her mouth to keep from sobbing as William held onto her hand tighter. "To William, I leave a trust fund that he will have access to when he's 21 and my favorite car. I remember how much you said that you wanted one just like it, you can have mine. To Karina, I leave everything else. I give you my cars, my business, my houses (the ones that your mother doesn't get), and a trust fund which you'll get when you turn 18."

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