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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter thirty.

Six months.

It's been six months since the Cullen's left town and six months since Karina was turned into a failed vampire.

As Karina's state got worse, the pack all agreed that Karina wasn't allowed to do much of anything without one of them with her. They were terrified to lose her, and Karina hated that she felt like a burden at this point. They tried to keep her from doing a lot of things, but Karina protested a lot as well.

She cooked beside Emily, the two girls bonding and sharing recipes. Karina learned the story of her and Sam, which she thought was cute and sad at the same time. She couldn't image the pain that Leah must be going through as she didn't understand that Sam couldn't control who he imprinted on, nor did she even know probably.

As the days went on, Sam was on edge as they awaited Jacob's inevitable phasing. Karina knew what this would mean for Sam, he would become a beta and Jacob would be alpha, and no matter how much Karina assured him that Jacob probably wouldn't take the role, Sam just shook his head.

Jacob was the next alpha, it was in his blood, and the way of the pack.

However, just like Karina stated, Jacob turned it all down. He didn't want to lead and the other's agreed with Jacob that Sam should remain as alpha, despite Javier letting it be known that his wolf would never submit.

Eventually, Karina had secluded herself from her friends. She barely spoke to them anymore and they figured that it was due to her father's passing. They didn't know that it was because it was getting harder for her to hide her episodes and her thinning figure, so she hid away from them.

Karina found herself walking beside Bella as the two hiked in the woods. Bella said she needed to take the next step and Karina was all for it.

"Are you sure about this Bella?" Karina wondered as they hiked further into the woods. "I'm all for a good detoxing but Charlie said not to go into the woods."

Bella looked at Karina from over her shoulder, "I know but I need this."

Karina nodded her head and took Bella's outstretched hand. While Bella noticed something was off with Karina, she didn't question it. She didn't want to assume it was because of her dad or Jasper, so she kept her questions to herself and figured that Karina would tell her on her own.

After a while of searching, Karina could hear Bella's heart pick up the pace. They noticed a clearing up ahead and Karina could see that Bella looked almost hopeful as they stepped into the clearing. Bella's face fell and Karina took her hand into her own, rubbing over her knuckles. In contrast to the warmth of Bella's memory, the meadow was cold, gloomy, and cloudy.

And there was no Edward.

Bella tightened her hold on Karina's hand as she closed her eyes and tried to force Edward to be there. Bella opened her eyes and Karina could practically see the heartbreak on her face as she sunk to her knees. Karina instantly pulled Bella into her arms and ran her fingers through Bella's hair soothingly.

Suddenly they heard a snap and Karina stilled, turning around they noticed Laurent. He was standing just ten yards away. Dreadlocks, chiseled face. Karina didn't know this man and a bad feeling bubbled up in her stomach.

"Laurent?" Bella questioned disbelief in her tone. "Laurent!" Bella beamed, realizing that he was real.

Karina relaxed a little from Bella's tone but not enough to let her hold on Bella go or to tear her eyes away from Laurent.

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