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Karina's outfit for the wedding is above!

chapter fifty-two.

Karina was grumbling as Jasper carried her inside his house and while Jasper found it adorable, he still felt bad for having to wake her up so early.

"I'm sorry baby." Jasper apologized and Karina just gave him a sleepy smile in response.

Jasper set her down in the room where Bella was currently seated in front of the mirror. Karina pouted at the loss of contact from Jasper and the male chuckled before he gave Karina a kiss.

"I don't want too." Karina whined softly and the three people in the room laughed. "Just let me sleep and wake when there's food."

"Absolutely not!" Alice scolded her, "You are the maid of honor, and you need to be there."

"Unofficial maid of honor." Karina corrected but avoided Alice's intense gaze.

Bella and Edward agreed on no bridesmaid or groomsmen's, simply because while Bella would have made Karina maid of honor, she realized that she wasn't really close with anyone aside from Angela and it didn't feel right to her. So, this was simpler for them.

Alice shook her head softly, "So, Jasper go get ready with the boys while I get them ready."

Karina grumbled under her breath and glared at Alice as she stopped Jasper from leaving. "Why do you hate me so?" She dramatically cried while pulling Jasper closer to her. "I'm a pregnant woman with raging emotions and now you're taking Jasper from me?"

Alice shook her head with laugh, "You'll see him soon enough Karina."

Karina reluctantly let go of Jasper, much to his amusement, and pouted when he left the room to go get ready. Karina glared at Alice who was scolding Bella about beauty sleep, but the glare immediately left her face when Rosalie walked into the room with a plate of brownies.

"Oh, I love you Rosie!" Karina cheered while taking the plate from the girl and immediately eating one.

While Karina had been eating a lot healthier, there was the undeniable fact that her child still loved sweets so every once and awhile, Karina was given something sweet which often caused her baby to kick.

Karina winced when she felt the expected kick and set down her brownies to hold her stomach.

Rosalie immediately paused from doing Bella's hair and rushed to Karina's side. "What is it?"

Karina gave Rosalie a tight smile before shaking her head softly, "I'm fine, just a kick like always when I have sweets."

Rosalie bit her lip and glanced at Alice who shrugged in response, they had learned the hard way not to tell Jasper things without Karina's permission.

"Are you sure?" Rosalie asked her and Karina nodded her head.

"You should go, I hear Charlie and Renee coming." Alice spoke up and Karina cringed at the thought of explaining her pregnancy. "I'll send Rose over with your dress to help you get ready.

Karina cringed and stood to her feet, abandoning the brownies and following her bond to where Jasper was. She entered his room and smiled at the sight of him putting on his coat.

His hair was gelled back and no doubt it was Alice's decree that he do it that way. He was all suited up and Karina felt a surge of smugness overcome her as she loved the fact that Jasper was hers.

"You can stop staring at me darlin'." Jasper smirked as he turned to look at his fiancé. "I can feel you before you even entered." He then noticed that she hadn't gotten dressed yet. "And why aren't you dressed?"

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