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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter ten.

"How has school been?" Aurora asked Karina as the two of them ate breakfast together.

Karina smiled and finished chewing before speaking. "It's really fun. Angela said something about the guys wanting to go to La Push today after school and I'm thinking about taking Roscoe with us." Karina explained to her mother.

Aurora could see that something else was bothering her and decided to question her about it. "What else is on your mind?" Karina feigned confusion but Aurora could see right through it. "Sunflower, I know you better than anyone."

Karina gave her mother a small smile as she stood to place her bowl in the sink. She gripped the edges of the sink before speaking. "Mama, when you and dad met, did you ever feel connected to him? Like you were drawn to him and not being near him made you slightly on edge?"

The question made Aurora still in her seat, she felt that with Andrew and then he had broken her heart. She remembered when she had met Andrew, she had just moved to New York from Forks with her parents since her dad having got a better job and so they moved for it.

Aurora remembered so vividly how Andrew and she had bumped into one another in the hallway, books and papers flying everywhere because both were in a rush.

Aurora can remember how they were both drawn to one another like magnets, their friends often teased them about it. Aurora was so in love with him and when he proposed, she felt as if she was dreaming. Aurora knew what Karina was talking about and it worried her.

"Yes." Aurora told her and looked down at the mug in her hand. "Our friends often teased your dad and I that we were like magnets. When I moved, he followed. We were everyone's favorite couple really." Aurora explained before looking at her daughter. "Why?"

"There's a boy." Karina told her and Aurora immediately knew who she was talking about. "We share one class together, we have fun short conversations, but he has secrets. Secrets that put me on edge because you know how I am." Aurora nodded her head. "I just feel drawn to him, and I don't understand it."

Aurora gave her daughter a small smile, "My sweet girl, trust your gut. I did and it landed me with you. Sure, I faced heartbreak as well, but I don't regret it one bit." She told her while standing and walking over to stand in front of her. Aurora placed her hands on Karina's cheeks, making her look at her. "Trust your gut and be careful."

Karina smiled at her mother and hugged her, but Aurora couldn't help but have a bad feeling in her stomach at what Karina could possibly experience.

"La Push, baby. You in?" Eric asked Bella and Karina once they arrived and sat down for a moment.

Bella gave him a confused look. "Should I know what that means?"

"It's the closest beach we have here." Karina explained to her friend. "It's on the Quileute Reservation."

Bella nodded her head while Mike also added in. "We're all going after school. Big swell coming in."

"And I don't just surf the internet." Karina laughed when Eric pretended to be surfing.

"Eric, you stood up once." Jessica reminded him with a small smile on her face. "On a foam board." Karina snickered when Eric started to pout.

"There's whale watching, too." Angela told the girl. "You don't even have to surf. Come with." She pleaded.

"La Push, baby."

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