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chapter forty-eight.

Karina woke up to find that she was back in Huilen and Nahuel's house.

"What happened?" She groaned and blinked several times to see that Huilen and Nahuel looked to be arguing. "What's going on?"

Huilen walked over and sat on the edge of the couch, she placed her hand on Karina's head. "You experienced your first kick, and it nearly broke your ribs." Huilen scolded. "I told you to start drinking the blood."

Karina made a face and looked away from her. "I don't want to do that." She told her again, "I don't know what it would do to me."

"Karina, you came to me for help." Huilen reminded her, her accented English making her words slightly grumbled due to her anger.

"I know bu-" Karina tried but Huilen stood to her feet, her eyes darkening from her anger.

"But nothing!" She shouted and Karina closed her mouth. "You nearly broke your ribs from this small kick and passed out from the pain." She told her and Nahuel stood in the background, not wanting to get involved. "Karina, you have to think about the baby now. You're dying faster than you were before, this baby is draining you and if you don't do what I say, take my advice and listen to me, you'll both die."

Karina knew that Huilen was right, but she wished that she wasn't. Isn't that why she came here though? Flew all the way here after making phone call after phone call just so that she could find a trace of Huilen.

This was why she was here with them, because she wanted to live. So why was she fighting this decision when Huilen only wanted what was best for her?

"Okay, I'll do it." Karina gave in and Huilen looked to Nahuel with a nod.

Nahuel was gone and back in a flash with a cup filled with a red substance. Karina's felt the back of her throat burn with a familiar hunger and she knew that it was the blood in that cup. Both Nahuel and Huilen noticed how Karina's eyes were no longer their familiar brown that they had grown used too, instead they were pitch black and filled with hunger.

Karina fought the urge to lung at Nahuel and take the cup from him, instead she hesitantly took the cup from his hand and looked at it worriedly. Her throat was burning even more, and the smell wasn't helping as it was only making it appear more inviting.

"What if I lose it?" She whispered softly and the two vampires saw the fear in her eyes.

"We'll be here to help you." Huilen reassured her and no one was surprised when Karina downed the blood like nothing.

Karina hated how she yearned for me, the burning at the back of her throat lessened greatly but it was still there. Yearning to be quenched.

"More?" Nahuel asked her and Karina nodded her head solemnly.

"Karina, I don't think you can be apart from Jasper for this pregnancy." Huilen told her and while she didn't want to see Karina go, she knew that there was only so much they could do for her. "Your coughing more frequently and the loss of blood doesn't help that your baby is draining you."

"I have to go back." Karina whispered but she was still so afraid of what would happen.

But in order to survive, Karina couldn't stay with Huilen and Nahuel any longer.

Javier managed to cross the treaty line, he was an exceptional case and the Council members all agreed that this was his home, regardless of his hybrid state.

However, much to Javier's dismay he found that the address of the place was gone and there was simply a letter with two words on it.

I'm sorry.

He knew it was from Karina, she knew that he would no doubt help the Cullen's in finding her. But what he didn't expect to find two plane tickets tucked into his passport neatly. Looking around in the drawer some more, he spotted another note hiding underneath the passport.

I know that I can trust you with keeping this a secret, just as I know that you would be looking for me. Two tickets, one for you and whoever you decide else. Maybe Bella, maybe Rosie, or maybe even Paul. I just miss you so come find me.
- Karina

Javier crumbled the letter in his hand and clenched his jaw. He pulled out a plane ticket and laughed at the destination, Siargao. He shook his head and tucked it back inside the passport, he should've known that this was something she would do.

"Javi!" The sound of Paul shouting downstairs caused him to stiffen.

He quickly grabbed his passport with the tickets and tucked it into his back pocket. Exiting the room and going down the stairs, he spotted the werewolf who appeared to be worried.

"Thank god." Paul breathed and quickly pulled Javier into a hug. "You never called, never checked in, we were so scared. The pack has been worried since we felt whatever faint connection we all had, fade."

Javier patted Paul's back and pulled away, "I'm okay. Just adjusting."

Paul nodded his head, "So what going on? Karina's been MIA and hasn't been answering my calls of text messages."

Javier sighed softly, he knew that Paul saw Karina as his best friend and cared for her a lot. He knew that Paul could be trusted but it was Sam's fear of the unknown that would put Karina in danger.

"If I tell you, this stays between us." Javier told him and Paul immediately shut out the pack from his thoughts. "The pack can't know about this."

Paul nodded his head and readied himself for the worst, "Hit me."

"Karina's pregnant." Paul's eyes widened in shock and Javier nodded his head. "It's complicated because Carlisle believes that her pregnancy won't be long due to the soulmate bond and it trying to purge the venom from her body still." Javier explained.

"But she'll be okay, right?" Paul asked and Javier saw the fear in his eyes.

The fear of losing his best friend.

It was the same fear that he's seen in Alice, Rosalie, and Bella whenever they thought about Karina. He didn't know who he would bring with him, but he was going to settle on Bella since Edward can't read her thoughts and it would be simple to sneak away since Alice has thrown herself into planning the wedding.

"I'm actually going to go and see her." Javier told him and didn't miss the look that appeared in Paul's eyes. "You know Sam would never let you follow with me."

"She's my best friend, Javi." Paul told him firmly and Javier cursed the wolves for always being so stubborn. "I need to know that she'll be okay."

"Alright, then we need to pick up Bella and thanks to Alice being so focused on wedding planning, we can sneak away." Javier informed him.

"We aren't going to tell Jasper?" Paul frowned, "He's been freaking out and constantly calls Sam if he's heard from Rin."

"Just because we aren't going to tell him, doesn't mean he doesn't already know where to go." Javier smirked. "I already gave him the hint, he just has to go there and find her, the soulmate bond should help with that."

Paul chuckled and nodded his head, "Alright, I'll meet you at Bella's." Paul went to jog out of the house before skidding to a stop and turning to look at Javier. "Wait, where are we going?"

Javier smirked again, "A little island called Siargao."

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