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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter twenty.

New York.

While Karina would say that she missed it, she really hadn't.

When school had ended and summer had begun, Karina had flown out to New York to be with her dad for the next two months. Though what Karina hadn't told anyone was that she would possibly be staying for the month of August as well but didn't know if she could handle being apart from Jasper much longer.

Speaking of Jasper, he wasn't very happy with the idea of Karina leaving Forks. Especially since he couldn't follow her because the sunny skies of New York would only expose him and that was against the law.

"Karina, are you ready?" Karina snapped out of her thoughts and nodded her head at the sight of her dad leaning against her old bedroom door. "Alright, do you mind if I bring William? Cindy is gone and I don't want to leave him alone."

Apart of Karina wanted to be bitter and tell him about how he had done it with her all the time, but she wasn't the same girl that she was when she left. So instead, she smiled and nodded her head, "Yeah of course."

Andrew smiled and disappeared to go find William. Karina quickly slipped on her white vans before grabbing Jasper's black jacket and slipping that over her outfit. The jacket smelled like Jasper and Karina would be lying if she said that it wasn't the reason that she had stolen it from him after she had just given it back to him.

Walking out of her room, Karina smiled at the sight of William and her dad together. William had her father's hair and eyes, and at times, Karina could see her father in him more than she saw Cindy.

"Hi Karina." William whispered shyly as they approached her.

Karina suddenly felt bad for not creating a better connection with him. While they had gotten close since her two weeks of being there, they were both still shy and awkward around one another.

"Hi there William. I told you that you can just call me Rina or Rin, whatever you prefer." She reminded him softly.

He smiled widely at her, relaxing some. "Then you can call me Will."

Andrew smiled fondly at the sight of his two kids getting along better. The three exited the large house and got into Andrew's car, the plan was to do some shopping since Karina wanted to send Bella something for her birthday in September.

Karina wasn't entirely sure what to get the girl, but she knew that she had time before having to decide. After shopping, they would get lunch then maybe see a movie before getting dinner and coming home.

"So, what is it like in Forks?" William asked her as they drove to their first destination.

Karina smiled as she thought about the place she called home. "It's cold. All the time but it doesn't bother me so I'm not freezing like everyone else." She explained. "It's either raining or its not, sometimes there's sun but you'll find more cloudy days than anything."

"I heard you have a boyfriend." He told her and Karina looked at her dad, who pretended not to be listening as he drove. "Do you really like him?"

Karina laughed softly and nodded her head, "I do have a boyfriend, his name is Jasper and yes, I do really like him."

Karina hadn't said I love you yet, while she was sure that she loved him, she wasn't able to tell him since she left for the summer. She planned on telling him when she returned to Forks. She can remember how when she made up her mind, she called Bella immediately and told her, the girl flipped and was a squealing for a good minute or two before Karina made her stop.

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