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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter three.


Karina quickly got dressed before making her way downstairs where she smiled at the sight of her mother who just filled up her thermal with coffee.

"Morning." Karina greeted.

Aurora smiled at her before taking a sip of the hot beverage. "Are you ready for your first day?" Aurora asked before taking another sip.

Karina hummed and grabbed her bag from the chair. "Yeah. Kind of? I still have a lot of unpacking to do so I've been more worried about my room then school." She laughed and Aurora smiled at the sound.

"Well, I'm sure you'll knock them dead." Aurora told her before kissing Karina on the head. "Also, I should warn you not to listen to everything you hear." Aurora told her daughter, a grimace on her face. "The Cullen's moved into town two years ago and people are still making a big deal out of them. Be open minded okay." Karina nodded her head and her mother smiled and kissed Karina on her head again. "Good luck, Sunflower."

With that Aurora left to go to work and Karina stood in the kitchen with a smile on her face.

"Alright, Roscoe!" Karina called out after a moment and the sound of Roscoe's paws tapping against the wooden floor filled the house. "Time to go outside buddy."

Roscoe didn't fight against Karina as she connected him to the leash outside, she gave him a kiss before rushing to her car. She didn't need to be late on her first day. Before she could touch the handle of her car, a honking horn made Karina look to the trunk that was pulling up.

A smile appeared on her face at the sight of Bella, who looked almost nervous as she parked on the curb. "Want a ride?"

Karina nodded her head, quickly walking over to the passenger side and climbing into the truck. "I like your truck." She told the brunette truthfully and Bella smiled at her in thanks. "So, what should I expect?"

Bella laughed and began driving. "Well Jessica—" Bella then went into detail about who she was going to meet, and Karina took mental notes of it all.

Apparently, Jessica Stanley was a bit judgmental but had a good heart. Angela Weber, who she already met on Saturday, was a sweet girl who matched Bella's awkwardness. Eric Yorkie was a talker and didn't seem to have a filter, but he was nice. Mike Newton acted like a flirt and made Bella slightly uncomfortable with his staring, but she didn't really have the nerve to voice it, but he was nice and totally off limits since everyone almost knew how Jessica felt about the boy. There was also Ben Cheney, a cute boy that Bella noticed had a thing for Angela despite the girl not even realizing it.

"And then there are the Cullen's." Bella started to tell her what Jessica had told her just a week earlier.

Karina felt a spark of curiosity hit her at how Bella had sighed their last name. Her mother had also told her to keep an open mind, so Karina decided not to just come to verdict about them based on hearsay.

Bella went on to tell her how the Cullen's were kind of exclusive, they kept to themselves and didn't interact with the other students unless they had to. They were all devastatingly gorgeous with their porcelain like skin and amber colored eyes that looked almost golden sometimes.

There was Rosalie Hale, the blonde beauty who knew she held the hearts of many boys in school, but she was dating Emmett Cullen, a very built boy for his age, but who looked harmless almost but still intimidating.

Alice Cullen was described to be almost fairy like, she looked to be the most approachable out of all her siblings as she had this prep in her step. She had a boyfriend who apparently lived on the Reservation, but they made the separation and slight distance work.

Selcouth • J. Hale ✓Where stories live. Discover now