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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter sixteen.

Karina sat beside Charlie, who was sitting in her kitchen beside her mother while cleaning his gun. Karina was chewing on a bagel as she waited for the sound of Jessica's horn to let her know that she was there when Bella walked into the kitchen.

Karina and Charlie opened their mouth to greet her when she suddenly blurt out, "I have a date with Edward Cullen."

Karina choked on her bagel while Aurora looked at Charlie who seemed just as shocked. "He's a little old for you, isn't he?"

Aurora and Karina shared amused smile as they watched the two interact. "N-No." Bella stuttered making Karina face palm. "He's a junior, I'm a junior. I thought you liked the Cullen's."

"I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town." He fired back making Karina and her mother laugh as he took a swing of his beer.

"Edward doesn't live in town." Bella explained and Charlie gave her a look, "Technically." She added and he looked away from her. "He's right outside."

"He is?" Charlie grimace and Aurora swatted his arm slightly.

"Yeah he wanted to meet you, officially." She told him and Karina covered her mouth with her hand to keep from laughing at how awkward Charlie looked.

"Alright." Charlie sighed before cocking his rifle in mock-seriousness which makes Karina laugh loudly. "Bring him in." Charlie looked smug as he placed the gun onto the table.

"Could you be nice?" Bella asked him while placing a hand on his shoulder. "He is... He's important."

Charlie circled around his head, making a halo above his head that makes Aurora giggle while Karina finished up her bagel. Bella then jogged away, towards the front door, leaving the three alone in the kitchen.

"Be nice." Aurora told Charlie and the man just kissed Aurora's cheek before standing when Bella returned with Edward by her side.

"Chief Swan, I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen." He extended his hand and Karina rolled her eyes at how hard Edward was trying right now.

"Hi Edward." He awkwardly greets while removing his hand from Edward's cold one.

Aurora and Karina shared a knowing look, Charlie was an easy man to please. The sight of Bella practically clinging onto Edward let him know that Bella really liked him and that was enough for him, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try and make Edward sweat a bit.

"Bella won't be out to late tonight, she's just to play baseball with my family." He told the man.

Karina couldn't help but laugh, "Bella? Play baseball? Excuse me what?" Bella sent her a glare and Aurora whacked her upside the head making Karina wince in pain.

"Baseball?" Charlie question, humor laced in his tone as he glanced at Karina briefly before looking back at the couple.

"Yes sir, that's the plan." Edward told him, smiling softly at Karina's thoughts of all the ways that Bella could hurt herself.

Charlie couldn't help but chuckle now. "Bella's going to play baseball?" He scratched his neck nervously, thinking the same thing as Karina. "Well, good luck with that."

Karina snorted with amusement and held her hands up in surrender when both her mother and Bella gave her a warning look. "Look, I'm just saying. If Bella trips over nothing and lands on her ass, I fucking called it."

"Language, Karina!" Her mother scolded while Charlie chuckled. Both Bella and Edward shook their head at the girl.

"I'll take good care of her, I promise." Edward told them all and Karina rolled her eyes, knowing that he was probably reading Charlie's thoughts to make himself look better.

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