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chapter thirty-seven.

Karina had never been more afraid in her life than in that moment.

William and her mother's life were now at risk because of Victoria's obsession with getting revenge for her mate. It had been decided that the wolves and vampires would work together this one time.

Jacob had searched Bella's house while Javier searched Karina's, the two boys both locking onto the same scent. It unnerved Karina that no one seemed to think that it was Victoria orchestrating all of this but then she remembered that they all relied on Alice's changing visions all the time.

"I don't like this." Jasper muttered and Karina laughed as she turned her head to look at him. "You're also bringing Will with you, and something could happen."

Karina shook her head, "Javier would never let that happen." Karina reminded him while glancing at William who was listening to music on her iPod. "William's getting older and sooner or later he'll find out."

Jasper looked tense at this, "The Volturi will kill anyone who knows about us."

"No one is touching a hair on my family." Karina's voice was firm and solid. "I will not lie to William, nor will I let anyone else try too. When he is older, I will tell him everything if it comes down to it."

Jasper understood her words almost immediately. "You mean if you're going to change."

"When I change." Karina corrected him and she didn't miss the look that Jasper shot her. "I die, you die Jasper. That's how a soulmate bond works. We're meant to be together for as long as our immortal lives will last." She tells him and takes his hand into hers. "That's why Javier's wolf will never submit to Sam because he isn't meant to."

"Our venom wouldn't work on him." Jasper reminded her. "It's his werewolf gene, it makes him and the other wolves immune to our venom, it's kind of just like a stinging sensation with them."

Karina shook her head, "We don't know that. He's Alice's soulmate so it could work."

Jasper just shook his head and parked his car behind Edward's Volvo. Karina motioned for William to get out and he eagerly exited the car. When his eyes landed on Javier and Paul's awaiting figures, the boy broke off into a sprint.

Karina laughed and turned towards Jasper, "I love you."

He smiled at her softly, "I'll be back soon."

She nodded her head and melted into Jasper as he placed his lips on hers. Her heart was racing wildly and rapidly which made Jasper smirk as he pulled away, leaving Karina dizzy and wanting more.

"Soon." Karina whispered before squeezing his hand and walking towards the awaiting wolves. "My boys!" She cheered while giving them a group hug. "What's the plan?"

"Bonfire." Paul and Javier said at the same time, making William cheer loudly.

Karina smiled widely as she remembered how much William loved the last bonfire they attended. Karina got into the passenger seat while Paul sat in the back with William, who was telling Paul all about the new comic books that Karina had ordered for him.

By the time they arrived at Jacob's house, Karina and William were surrounded by the pack. William had loved hanging out with the boys and while Karina didn't like Jacob at the moment, William enjoyed learning about mechanics from him. Karina could see that William just might be a car junkie growing up and it didn't bother her one bit.

"Leah!" Karina called out to the girl, leaving William to linger around Paul while she went to the girl.

"Rina, so glad you came." Leah smiled at her and gave Karina a tight hug.

Selcouth • J. Hale ✓Where stories live. Discover now