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Karina's dress for prom is above!

chapter nineteen.

Karina was in a black dress that made her feel almost like a princess. There was a classy amount of cleavage and a slit on the right side of the dress, plus the dress had spaghetti straps and it sparkled.

Her hair was left down as she didn't really like having it tied up unless it matched with her outfit choice. Thankfully, this dress was not one of those moments.

"I hate Alice." Karina grumbled as Rosalie worked her magic on Karina. "I didn't want to go!"

Rosalie laughed lightly, "Yes but since Bella is going with Edward, we both know that Alice wasn't going to let you not go."

Karina groaned and contemplated hitting her head against her hand, but that Alice would flip is she did anything to ruin her appearance. The said girl was helping Bella get ready since Bella was a lost cost when it came to such things as prom.

In this sense Karina and Bella were alike, both would much rather be book shopping but when Edward asked Bella to prom, Karina knew that Alice wasn't going to let her skip.

Rosalie finished giving Karina light curls and stepped back to look at her handy work. "God, I really love your hair." Rosalie told the girl as she ran her finger through it to make the curls look more natural. "Honestly, I think if I were still human, I would ask you for your hair care routine."

Karina rolled her eyes and smiled at Rosalie through the mirror, "And I'm sure that if we met when you were human, I'd be fawning over your beauty."

Rosalie laughed and shook her head. "Alright, I'm done, and I think your date is coming." Rosalie winked at Karina with a teasing smile.

"Thank you." Karina stood and hugged her. "I think I would have been late had you not helped me."

"As if Alice would've let that happen." Rosalie joked before she slipped out the window and disappeared.

Karina rolled her eyes at her choice of sneaking in but she also kind of understood. Rosalie still didn't like Bella all that much and Karina understood why, Bella was taking her human life for granted simply because she was in love.

She wasn't thinking of taking every opportunity possible, instead she was thinking of when she would turn. It drove Rosalie mad that Bella was more than willing to give up her human life when since turning, all Rosalie wanted to do is be human again.

Karina understood though, she knew Rosalie had her reasons for feeling this way and Karina never pushed her to share. Rosalie in Karina's eyes was fragile and deserved to be handled with delicate hands. Rosalie was like a favorite book that you cuddled up with near a fireplace and read for hours and never got bored.

Rosalie had gone through something that still lingered in her eyes whenever she looked at the other humans running around and living their lives, aging even and having families of their own.

Rosalie was someone that Karina held a high amount of respect for, and she would continue to feel this way about the girl until her heart stopped. Though she was sure that even then, she would still feel that way.

Still, while Karina wished that Rosalie would warm up to the girl, she knew that she couldn't push Rosalie either.

"Are you ready?" The sound of Bella's voice made Karina turn around. "I think I just heard Edward and Jasper downstairs."

Karina winced slightly, "Oh god, I can't imagine what my dad is doing to Jas." Bella and Karina made a face at the thought of Andrew Baxter giving Jasper a lecture.

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