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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter fifty-six.

Bella's pregnancy was moving a lot faster than Karina's had.

Sure, Karina had aches and pains throughout hers, but Bella's pregnancy was literally breaking her bones. It worried everyone and it seemed that Rosalie and Karina were always around Bella whenever she needed to do something.

Bella looked sucked in and thin, she couldn't keep a single thing down and it worried them all. As the days passed, Bella seemed to get thinner and thinner, but Karina had hope that she would be okay.

In the span of two weeks, Elijah had grown just as fast as Bella's stomach did. He looked like a toddler, and had Jasper's curls which Karina loved. His eyes seemed to lose the amber tint to them and become fully brown, but he looked exactly like his parents.

Elijah wasn't speaking yet, but Karina was shocked at how his mind was growing along with his age. She had yet to contact Huilen and Nahuel concerning Bella, but that was because she could never get a moment to herself where she could mute the Cullen's advanced hearing.

Karina was currently placing Elijah down for a nap when she heard the revving of a motorcycle. Every bone in her body tensed as she turned on the baby monitor and exited the room.

"Is it true?" She heard Jacob's voice.

It was followed by Carlisle's, "Hello, Jacob, how are you?"

"Listen, just give it to me straight." She heard him tell Carlisle and she wondered if he was preparing himself for the worse.

"Jake, is that you?" Bella called out as she had heard Jacob's voice.

"She's here?" Jacob asked, looking slightly upset.

"They came home two weeks ago." Carlisle told him and Jacob marched his way to the sound of Bella's voice.

Karina was tucked into Jasper's side as they were both tense with Jacob being so near to Elijah, but both of them were ready to protect Elijah with everything inside of them.

"Jake. I'm glad you came." Bella tells him from where she's hidden behind Rosalie.

Jacob tried to walk closer but in an instant, Karina and Rosalie were blocking his path. Karina got a bad feeling in her stomach and didn't hesitate to stand in front of Bella beside Rose.

"Close enough." Rosalie told him and he could hear the warning in her tone.

Jacob looked at them both with disbelief. "What's your problem?"

"Rin, Rose, it's okay." Bella reassured them.

They shared a look before standing to the side and Jacob could finally see Bella. He was shocked and concerned as she looked as if the life had been drained from her, ironic, since that was literally happening to her.

He sat down beside Bella, who's covered by the quilt her mother gave her. "You look terrible."

Bella chuckled softly, "Yeah, it's nice to see you, too."

"So, are you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?" Jacob asked her and Karina felt the bad feeling return.

Bella sighed and looked to Rosalie. "Rose, you wanna help me up?" With the help of Rosalie, Bella stood up and Jacob did as well when her stomach was exposed.

Karina rolled her eyes when everyone stilled, Javier wrapped an arm around Alice's shoulders in comfort when she too stilled. While Javier sided with Bella and respected her choice, it had put him and Alice at a slight distance with one another. Still, he was still going to be there for his imprint.

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