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Elijah's outfit is above and Karina's is the same as the last chapter!

chapter fifty-seven.

Karina met Paul in the backyard of the Cullen's home along with Javier beside her.

"Wait, he did what?" Karina snarled.

"Jacob came to the pack, told them everything and now Sam's planning on attacking." He explained to her.

Karina shook her head, beginning to pace. "We haven't fed in weeks. We've been taking care of Bella and before that, they were worrying about me." She stressed when suddenly, Jacob emerged from the trees with Seth in tow. "You!"

Jacob was afraid as Karina suddenly knocked him backwards and onto his ass. "Karina, I'm sorry!" He apologized but Karina continued her assault on him.

Karina lifted Jacob in the air with her ability and threw him into a tree. He groaned in pain as it broke upon impact. "My child, Jacob, an innocent baby is in danger because you what?" Karina did it again, tossing him to another tree. "Thought that Sam would understand the situation and kill Bella's baby so that she would live? Kill the Cullen's for doing this and allowing it?"

Karina shook her head and Jacob let out a pained plea for to stop. "You put us all in danger here! Are you fucking stupid!?" She snarled and just as she was about to throw Jacob into a nearby rock, she was stopped.

"Rina!" At the sound of Leah's voice, Karina was snapped out her rage spell. "Sam's coming."

"He won't touch anyone." Jasper spoke up as he appeared next to Karina and immediately began to calm her down with his gift.

"I made a promise that no one was going to take my baby away from me. So, if you think for one second, I'm going to let anyone touch a hair on their head, you got me fucked up." Karina snarled as Jasper pulled her into his arms.

"What she means to say is, we'll die before anyone touches our family." Jasper clarified less violently.

"Jake." Leah got the wolf's attention as he picked himself up from where Karina had dropped him. "I know his plan."

Everyone gathered inside, minus Leah, Seth, and Paul who remained outside. Karina was still being held in place by Jasper, much to everyone's amusement and Jacob's safety.

"Sam's lost the element of surprise, and he doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity." Jacob explained and Karina made a mental note to warn her mother.

"They won't get through without a fight." Emmett promised as he stood on Jasper and Karina's right.

Carlisle shook his head, "No fights. We won't be the ones to break the treaty."

"The treaty was void the minute Sam found out that Bella was pregnant." Karina told Carlisle.

Jacob nodded his head, "The treaty is void, at least in Sam's mind."

Esme shook her head softly, "Not in ours."

"Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks." Emmett told him and Karina could see the concern in his eyes.

"Karina's lasted this long and she's still a newborn." Edward spoke up and Karina shrugged.

"I make do." Karina had been ignoring the burn in the back of her throat. "If I can make it home safely, I can get the blood supply that I have there."

Jasper immediately shook his head, "No. Absolutely not. If they got us surrounded then that means they're probably guarding our house so no one can get to it."

Selcouth • J. Hale ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें