Author's Note

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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem

This story is a work of fiction ,weaved around a reality that is wrapped in the shroud of pain,suffering and trauma. As a fictional work, my only aim is to just provide a glimpse of that world with my protagonists being the centre and in doing so I might take the luxury of a making minor changes in chronological order of happenings....but my intention in this is no way of hurting any emotions or feelings of anyone ...all I aim is to present a story that has been simmering in my mind and heart for a long time .And AR RAHMAN SWT gave me the courage to present it to you all .So if you find something wrong in my work (which I hope you never find) please be kind and loving in pointing out .Negative comments,in this sense are not allowed but constructive criticism is welcomed with both hands.

Also, I don't want to say this but since I have heard a lot about work being copied so here it goes my copyright disclaimer.. please don't try to copy my work( my mind is saying don't worry it's not that good to be copied ...#my brain my enemy🤭)because even though you won't be facing repercussions in this world but when the time will come when the judge would be AL ADL you will face repercussions .So beware....a warning from abdi e Rahmana

And one more request please be generous and kind and earn sawaab by making me happy through your comments and votes (🤭🙃) Because making others happy is also a good deed. So don't be miser in doing this good deed please🥺.

Faqat e Abd e Rahmana

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu🌿

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