Chapter forty seven

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My blade clashed against Anakins in a flurry of movement. Kaida always taught me to act fast though Anakin was definitely swifter. He stayed within the same little box he'd originally been stood in leaving me to do all the work. However I had a secret weapon, well I was a secret weapon. As I pressed my blade to his I moved my body closer, brushing my leg forward against his thigh. The mans brows furrowed and his lips pursed showing a clear boyish confusion. Seeing my opening I smirked and lifted my leg higher planting a kick against his abdomen and knocking him back.

"You sneaky little..." He mumbled at a whisper while jumping back to his feet. I clashed my saber to his again with a smirk, proud I'd finally managed to gain some ground on him.

"Gotta be quicker Skywalker." I chuckled while aiming a blow from fist towards his jaw. I really didn't want to punch my fiancé but I didn't want to loose either. However I didn't have to worry about that since his hand matched round my wrist before I could land the blow. Eyes crossing to his I saw that mischievous glint as he pulled me close into his chest.

"I think we both know I don't." He whispered before placing a peck on my cheek during the fluid movement of tugging me round and disarming me. Finding myself crumpled down on the floor with my hair in my eyes I grunted and pushed the strands back from my face seeing Anakins hand outstretched towards me.

"Wow that was amazing!" I heard Ari exclaimed from across the halls as her and Ahsoka took some rushed steps over to join us.

"You both moved so fast!" Ahsoka added as the pair came into view. Taking Anakins hand I resisted the urge to pull him down with me and instead hoisted myself back to my feet. Dusting myself down I gave a sigh and stood there by my dear fiance as he turned to address the girls.

"Yeah well, me and (y/n) go way back, we've got to be fast just to try and remain unpredictable, but don't try being quick just to try and be clever, it's always best to take thing one step at a time." Anakin spoke across to them seeming more like a master than ever. He was looking out for them even in the advice he gave, trying to be constructive and yet still ensure their safety. I was so proud of him I almost didn't want to get him back for defeating me.

"Okay so like, we should practise what we know?" Ari asked always being the one to speak up and question everything with bright curiosity.

"Precisely." Anakin agreed with a smile as he gave the girl a nod.

"So master, what would you recommend we practise for the battlefield?" Ahsoka stepped
Forward to ask after Ari, blue eyes shifting between the pair of us. I looked to Anakin and stepped forward to answer the question.

"You should both focus on defence, this war is no game, Anakin and I will teach you all we can but for the most part just focus of staying safe and if you're ever in doubt don't hesitate to ask for help." I responded trying not to worry them but at the same time remaining completely serious. I really didn't want these two to get injured, they were so sweet and young and a war zone was not where they should be trained. Which reminded me, I'd talked to Leia about getting some amour made for the pair. I wonder if she'd got round to it yet...

"Ok so just practise what we know?" Ahsoka asked looking for confirmation it seemed.

"Exactly, and we'll be sure to give you both pointers along the way. I promise not a second of your training will be boring." With a smile a finished as I hitched my skirt up once more and clipped my saber back in place. The pair seemed pleasantly elated by my comment, even Anakin seeming a bit excited. It was true though, if for the worse reason of this war life as padawans would be far from normal for these two. But me and Anakin would always ensure their safety.

Force bound Feelings (Anakin Skywalker x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن