Chapter ninety six

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It had been a few days: Anakin and I had our outfits and thanks to Padmè, everything else was going smoothly. Ahsoka had bought the most beautiful bridesmaids dress and with incredibly excited, in fact of several occasions I'd caught her just stood in front of the mirror admitting her reflection. Padmè was also incredibly excitable, always on the phone arranging various bits-and-bobs. How she managed to balance planning our wedding with all her senatorial work I'll never know, I was still completely exhausted from switching between battlefields and dress fittings because yes, apparently I couldn't just pick a dress it had to be styled to me. There was so much still to do but everything was coming into focus now, it was almost time. Everything was going perfectly.

Well...almost everything. Last night my master came to me, it was the first time we'd crossed paths since the explosion at the senate, and unfortunately she didn't have good news. Apparently during her earlier mission there had been an assassination. Trysten Acaina was taken out by a rogue sniper, and though to the majority of people it would seeming unfortunate and tragic. For me though, it struck fear into my core. Trysten was in the know about Palpatine, to me this assassination didn't feel like an accident but a fear tactic from the Chancellor. It felt like he was trying to to send me a message, to let me know he wasn't just going to sit by and let me win.

This was the reason I was currently lying awake staring blankly up at the ceiling, heart beating a little faster than usual even as Anakin held me in his arms. I was afraid: afraid of dying, of leaving Anakin, I thought leaking our relationship would save my life because we'd constantly be in the public eye. However if Palpatine could arrange for a diplomat to be killed in the company of two highly skilled Jedi masters, then I didn't really stand a chance. The second I left for a mission he'd send someone after me, it would look completely innocent, another general lost to the war. I didn't even have a padawan to look out for me anymore. The moments I left Coruscant...he'd kill me...

" alright love..?" I heard Anakin mumbled sleepily from beside me and looked round. His hair had fallen across his brow and his beautiful crystal eyes were just about open as they looked up towards me. He looked so innocent like this, like a man who couldn't bring harm to anything or anyone. He was so beautiful, my darling love. I couldn't tell him the truth, it would crush him. So I gave him a weak smile and tilted my hair, reaching over and cupping his cheeks against my palm.

"I'm fine: now go back to sleep..."
I whispered in response while leaning over, proceeding to place a kiss up by the scar that slit through his brow. His arms wrapped more securely round my waist, pulling me down against his bare chest as he exhaled a long content sigh. I lay my head against his shoulder and listened to the rhythm of his heart beat peacefully just below my ear. The corners of my lips tugged up into a small smile as I felt
His fingers gently begin to comb through my hair.

"...I love you." He whispered, his warm breath drifting through my hair as he continued to stroke the back of my head. Finally managing to find a little peace Ming the comfort of his arms I exhaled slowly and allowed my eyes to finally close. Nothing could happen so long as I remained in his hold.

"I love you handsome sandcastle." I chuckled at last feeling the weight of sleep press upon my eyelids, his warmth lulling me into a state of blissful comfort. Time different on without differentiation as the stokes of his fingers continued to fiddle through my her eventually drawing me down into sleep. Anakin was my happy place, around him I felt safe, protect and most of all loved.

I hope he felt the same.


Darkness: as it always begins, no sight, no sound, no, nothing...

But then quite suddenly blindly lights flooded my view along with blurred out faces and figures that felt to familiar to be strangers. The lights came in a variety of colours just like near two years ago now when Anakin and I were first starting out, only this time they were clearer to hear.

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