Chapter one hundred and nine

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A couple of months have gone by, the war stretching on and on. Anakin and I fought side by in the weeks to follow while Satine and Padme stayed in Coruscant and helped to raise our famous little baby. The amount of media attention our little family got was incredible though since we were the first Jedi couple it had to partially be expected. That and every citizen wanted to cheer on my heroic husband whether he be on the battlefield or tackling everyday life. Honestly it was a little stressful at times, it Padme had it covered. She found us a new apartment hidden in the senatorial complex, somewhere under twenty four hour guard where we wouldn't face any kind of harassment from reporters.

It was peaceful and safe, well away from prying eyes. Well apart from that of the chancellor. The old man had however backed off just a little for now. He wasn't trying to barge into our business and was seeing Anakin far less than before. This was a great relief to me.

Currently Anakin was at a meeting with Master Kenobi while I stayed with Padme. We were sat in her living space drinking tea with a play-mat set out for Ari. She was crawling about wearing the pretty purple onesie Satine had sent over the day before. The little girl now had little beautiful blood checks that could be tied into tiny bunches, her eyes a dazzling crystal blue just like that of her father.

"She's so adorable." Padme cooed sorry as she sat back down opposite and watched the little girl play with her toys. I smiled and nodded, watching as my little girl gurgled and crawled over to her loth cat plushie.

"She really is isn't she?" I replied looking up from the baby girl as I picked my tea up. Taking a sip I saw how completely smitten Padme was with the little girl. Someday she'd be a great mother.

"Yes definitely: she'll have such a bright future, you and Ani are very lucky." Padme added drawing her gaze back from the little girl and looking back across to me. Padme was always a loving a support force within our little family, whatever issue I was having she was there to help. That's why I felt I could talk to her about recent developments.

See Anakin and I had been married nearly six months now. Nearly half a year of marital bliss. I'd live every second, and well, with no worries of getting caught Anakin and I had been allowed a lot more free time. Time were we could be more intimate...more than just make out sessions in the occasional closet.

Poor Rex...I'm sure he thinks twice before opening any door now.

"Actually Padme...I kind of wanted to you about something...." I replied while nestling my fingers together in my lap after placing my teacup down to the side again. I knew Padme would be understanding and supportive but it was still hard to broach the subject. I hadn't even discussed this possibility with Anakin yet, which was eating me up inside. True it was only slightly likely...though when you look at it, we definitely upped our cha cues a lot in the passed few weeks. I knew taking a break from the front line would be bad somehow...

"Honey what is it? You can talk to me about anything." Pqdme assured me as she came across and sat on the couch beside me. Watching my baby girl play I smiled with a nod. Padme then placed a hand over mind too.

"Maybe it would help if I started with the gossip first? I might have some big news." She added now holding my hand with a smile and a glint in her eyes. Alright perhaps this was a time we're I could pause my own very slight worries and listen to the news she was clearly busting to share. Smiled I turned to face her, tilting my head and raising a brow.

"Hm? What kind of news..?" I hummed with interest now I trudged by what she might have to say. Perhaps it was an announcement involving wedding bells - No that could t be. I knew Five's had been acting a little out of it lately but I put that down to the stress or ear hot romantic reasons. Dice and Rex had been constantly saying how he'd been sneaking off every chance he got to visit the senate building. And he thought we hadn't noticed, honestly it was adorable.

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