Chapter one hundred and three

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Ahsoka's pov

"Padmè you asked me to tell you when Clovis left: well, he's left." I said after having sought out the senator and my master's child. She was rocking the baby with a wine glass of juice in her free hand. The woman looked up and smiled as I arrived with the good news, her smile growing to a beaming grin.

"Thank you Ahsoka: you're going home now aren't you? Would you like to take Ari with you?" She asked placing her glass to the side. I couldn't help but roll my eyes slightly, if she wanted to have some fun it wasn't like she had to worry about me. I was fine sitting around dining on all the snacks and stuff still being served. It was super good food.

"Sure I can take care of Ari for you: but you don't need to hide it if you'd like a drink," I replied reaching out for her to place the baby in my arms. Padmè smiled and said a sweet little farewell to the little girl before passing her over to me. Looking down at the little girl I smiled a rare smile. She was so innocent and pure just like Ari, and so loved too. "Hey there little one, I'm going to take you home now so auntie Padmè can have a dance and a drink." I chuckled softly rocking the little girl in my arms gently. It just came natural to do so.

"Ahsoka," the senator spoke up again, placing a hand on my shoulder as she stood up and the skirts of her dress fell down to the floor. I looked back over my shoulder to her and gave a hum to show I was listening. "Thank you sweetheart: you've done an amazing job today, oh and keep the dress, you look beautiful." She added giving me a little hug and giving a parental kiss to my temple. She truly was the kindest woman, well second to (y/n).

"Thanks Padme, and I do really love the dress, I'll keep it forever." I replied giving her a smile and a wave goodbye. Holding little Ari I continued to hum the tune of the music even as we headed out onto the darkened steps of the hall. I hadn't realised until now how late it had gotten, the skies were already dark even though it felt like no time at all had past. Making sure Ari was wrapped up nice and warm I headed down to one of the taxi's, deciding to get a lift back since I had Ari with me and so shouldn't really be driving alone.

A few minutes later the both of us arrived at the apartment block. I payed the driver and then headed inside, fishing around my pocket for the key while still humming, keeping Ari in my arms despite having the carrier. When the door clicked open I used my foot to push it open and hook the keychain between my teeth so I could hold everything while entering the apartment. I knew Anakin and (y/n) would be gone likely all night possibly longer so I'd decided to sneak home a good amount of food from party to eat during the night.

Heading to the nursery I flicked the lights on and lay little Ari in her crib, using the force to spin her little mobile of starships and watching as the one made to look like Ari's flew by. I missed her so much, all the time. Sitting on the floor by her bed I began to unpack the bags I'd brought back, and I began to realise just how quiet it was. The whole place felt lonely, master Skywalker, and well...the other Master Skywalker were gone, everyone else was partying, I was alone.

Ari gurgled as if to say that I wasn't alone and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Thanks baby: you really do know how to brighten a room." I spoke up a little quietly while holding my hand out for the girl to grasp. Her little fingers wrapped around my pinky and gave it a little tug. Just from the slight touch I could feel she was very strong with the force, not surprising really considering who her parents where.

"You're going to be an incredible Jedi someday little one." I whispered brushing my fingers through her little curls.

"That she will be." A voice spoke from the doorway and I immediately jumping to my feet pulling my lightsabers from their concealed holsters and igniting them. The room was washed with a green glow from the blades but surprisingly Ari didn't start crying. Looking to the doorway I saw a fairly tall silhouette leant in the frame.

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