Chapter one hundred and twenty

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After a long nap in the apartment Anakin and I had split up again. That wasn't so long ago and yet I already kissed him and our little girl. Still, it was nice he was finally getting some time with Ari, the pair of them could bond even if it were at the temple. I meanwhile had gone to visit my father in holding. He hadn't yet been put in the military prison due to being a high profile captive. Well that and he was still receiving medical care for his hand.

So instead my journey took me to the military hospital. Unsurprisingly he was under strict guards from commander Fox and his unit. There was even Jedi placement at the entrance. Dooku had asked for protection after all, and given who it was likely from I could see why he needed it. The chancellor was the greatest power in the republic, if he wanted someone dead he could likely make it happen with ease.

Just like with my mother...

It had been about a half hour since we reunited. For the first ten minutes the Jedi guarding insisted on staying in the room however later they thankfully received new placement and moved. That had left just me and my father. Since he wasn't receiving the best of medical care if folded into helping with his hand, barely speaking the whole time. It was a calm comfortable silence only interrupted about the occasional question over his condition.

Though the council asked for me to question him about the separatist army I didn't. There was no real need to, he was willing to cooperate and I was already aware of far more than the council. We could discuss what to do about the secret Sith Lord later, it didn't need doing right at that moment. All I wanted was to spend a quiet moment with my father and I finally got that chance.

When I fid finally sit down beside him I wasn't sure what to say. The conversation started slow and awkward at first, simple questions. 'How've you been?', that sort of thing despite the both of us knowing the answers. Life was hell right now, torn up by war and mistrust. However the both of us just lied and silently agreed to go with the illusion everything was just fine.

It was strange, but eventually the conversation got easier. We even managed to have a civilised discussion about Anakin. Despite the evident displeasure he held towards my husband I came to learn my father did admire some of his aspects. There weren't many true, but he did seem to at least accept Anakin was the man I loved. I couldn't quite understand why at the time but gaining his full approval, well it brought a warmth to my heart.

"'s the little one.,?" My father asked calmly as he sat up against the pillows. I smiled and set my teacup aside. Being a pregnant lady had its perks, the guards outside brought my tea and cookies from the kitchen.

"She's doing just great, it was her first birthday a couple of days back now...master Yoda gave him yours and mothers wedding rings on a necklace, I think the grandmaster misses you." I replied with a light chuckle as I thought of the unusual interaction at Ari's birthday. Still, it was sweet I thought, the my and my fathers old masters continued to care about us even now. Even Dooku seemed somewhat touched by this, I guess at one point the pair must of been close.

"He did did he..? Well, I always did wonder whether he kept them all these years." My father responded as he stayed laid back in the minimalistic hospital bed. In his eyes I saw a nostalgia, a kindness I never got to see on the battlefield. He really had loved my mother. She must have been some amazing woman...

"It would seem so, Ari really loves them, she keeps going around showing everyone she meets." I replied with a little chuckle remembering how she ran around to show each of the clones from the 501st one by one. Gosh I love that sweet little girl. It was good she was finally getting time with her father, I wonder whether it's about time she met her grandfather again. Perhaps not under these circumstances however...

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