Chapter eighty one

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Anakin's pov

I let out a long groan as electricity crackled through me once again from my restraints. There was no way to know how long we'd been here exactly, it was easier to count the fresh scars to my body than the minutes that had passed by. Still at least the longer I resisted the safer (y/n) was, well that's what I hoped anyway. I'd been electrocuted, burned, mildly stabbed and even had my mind invaded. This woman was determined to push me over the edge, to torture me into breaking.

"Stop it...just matter what twisted truth you show me, I will no give in." I spoke through gritted teeth trying to ignore the splitting pain throughout my skull as she entered it once more. She was pushing those nightmares into my sights, forcing me to watch again and again as my love died a thousand different ways. Childbirth, choking, a stab to the heart, she'd died every which way right before my eyes. Each time her hand would drop from my limply as she exhaled her last breath. It was heartbreaking, something that caused my fear to heighten.

"Oh but Skywalker, what if I were to make it a reality..?" She chuckled darkly while taking a step back as I stared up through my sweat drenched hair. A bad feeling rose up like bile in the back of my throat as I watched her turn to the monitor and give a nod the the monster of man standing over my unconscious fiancé. Quite suddenly I began to panic as he moved, my heart hammer a hunted beats a second as I watched helpless to interfere.

"What are you doing - I swear if you hurt her I'll, I'll...

"You'll what? Kill me? Oh but my dear Skywalker, then I will have won." That dammed woman replied with a sneer, a sly smirk pulling at her lips. She then stepped back and my eyes nervously flickered between the back of her head and the screen that showed (y/n). My breath hitched in my throat as I watched Daramar approach her bedside, in his hand a syringe. Again my eyes darted to the woman in the room with me and my fingers curled up into fists.

"Leave her alone - it's me you want not her! Don't you dare touch her!" I found myself yelling frantically while pulling at the cuffs my hands were bound by. However my struggles and threats went unheeded as the man plunged the syringe needle into my Angels neck, injecting her with the full amount of that unknown serum. For all I knew it could be poison, hence why my lip trembled at the sight. My eyes were fixed on close closed one as I silently prayed to the force for her safety, watching in nervous anticipation as her eyelids slid back as her eyes darted fearfully across the room. Then she caught sight of Daramar and her body tensed up in its restraints.

"A-Anakin...!" She called out with terror while trying to shrink back into the harsh looking bed she was strapped to. Heart aching I wished to run and hold her in my arms, to stroke her hair and tell her everything would be alright. But I couldn't make that promise...

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) I'm coming all right! I'll be ther-

"Ah ah ah," The woman spoke up while stepping back directly in front of me waving a finger in my face in a tutting motion. She was really starting to get in my last nerve. "You don't get to speak to her, not unless you give in and join me, she will suffer and die if you don't agree to give in." She threatening with a cruel narrowing of her eyes. So it's come to this...either I give in to the dark side...or I watch the love of my life die for real...

Hanging my head I exhaled a shaky breath and tried to look for a way out this mess. There had to be a way of saving her that didn't put me on the wrong side of the force, these couldn't be the only options. If I turned she'd never forgive me - I'd loose her anyway. I loose her and our baby...but then if I refused to turn I'd loose them both anyway. Brows furrowing I clenched my jaw in frustration not seeing a simple way out this mess. Either way it looked like I would loose the only person I'd ever truly love - something I couldn't even bare the thought of.

Force bound Feelings (Anakin Skywalker x reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara