Chapter Twenty eight

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"(Y/n)..? (N/n) hellooo?" I heard a sweet voice calling lightly while to hands lightly tried to shake me awake. Giving a groan I turned over and tried to pull my bedsheet over my head, only to then realise it wasn't there and freeze up. Where was I again, ah yes, I remember. "(N/n) time to walk up..!" The voice called louder while giving me a last shake, my eyes groggily opening to see a certain sweet little green eyed girl.

"Holy force Ari not so ears are ringing..." I groaned while reaching up to rub my hands over my face, feeling so much better after having a shower last night.

"Sorry." The young teen replied with a guilty chuckle as she stepped back from me a little. A jolt of realisation then hit me and I looked up, glancing round the empty halls outside the council room then back to the girl.

"Say Ari, have you seen Skywalker come this way yet this morning..?" I asked while mentally crossing my fingers as I continued to sit there on the floor as a few of the masters passed by to meeting room. Needless to say I got a few looks for being sat there outside the doors with a pillow.

"Uh no- I mean I'd definitely notice if he came this way." The girl replied with a quizzical tilt of her head. I just gave a bright grin and leapt up with a small cheer.

'Ha! Looks like I'm the better Jedi.'

"Brilliant I beat him." I said to by self while picking my pillow up, still grinning like a little kid. Well like Ari really, who seemed to raise a brow as she looked up at me, she was such a curious little thing.

"Beat him in what..? What are you two up to?" She asked while looking over me as I ran a hand through my hair and attempted to neaten out my robes.

"Nothing special Az'...just a little better," I hummed back while brushing some dust from my shoulder before looking back down at the little girl. "Say, what are you doing here so early anyway?" I decided to ask, since though it wasn't rare to see the girl up at unplanetry hours I could've sworn she was using in the training hall or causing mischief away from the master. "You're not in trouble again are you?" I added, narrowing my eyes a bit at her in suspicion, it wouldn't be the first time the council called her for a lecturing. Honestly I love this kid...but I sure and Coruscant traffic feel sorry for the poor Jedi that becomes her master.

"What? No, I started racing in the under-city specifically so the council wouldn't find out," She replied quickly with a few hand movement that really didn't make me feel any better about what she was saying. "Nah this is meant to be something good...well that's what master Ti told me yesterday...unless that was a trick to get me to come here for a lecture..." the teen trailed off while looking to the side as apparently the idea just dawned on her that perhaps the council knew she wouldn't come for a lecture.

"Ari Shimara, the council is ready for you." Master Plo announced from the door, a young tortuga girl stood just behind him with a nervous expression.

"Well here I go-if you see me running out in a second don't stop me casue I really don't think I can sit through another lecture." She said to me while backing away towards the door, waving her hand and giving me a signature grin before follow the master and other youngling into the council room. I chuckled slightly at her comment, that kid has the attention spam of Anakin. Speaking of whom, he should be arriving any second



I turned round not even trying to contain my smugness from my victory, propping my pillow under my arm as I looked over at his stunned expression. Watching words fail him I could t help but chuckle slightly as he walked over to I front of me.

"Snooze you loose Skywalker, well, depends we're you snooze." I teased while looking up at him and taking my pillow in both hands, chucking it over at him. He caught it and then looked down, giving it a squish, his nose scrunching up slightly as I'm guessing he cursed himself for not coming up with such a genius idea.

Force bound Feelings (Anakin Skywalker x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang