Chapter one hundred and eight

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We arrived in Naboo judt after dusk. It was peaceful and quiet, just the of the lapping ocean waves providing a gentle backing. The duchess looked beautiful wearing a blue satin gown provided by Padme. Her and so I wan looked so great together as they welcomed Korkie back, embracing him in their arms as you would expect parents to with the son they loved. It made me smile seeing the three of them so happy. When Bo Katan came over she greeted her sister with a handshake then the pair embraced. It seemed the family was complete.

I'd like to think if Anakin and I were ever in trouble they would be there to help. Padme was already the greatest godmother my darling little daughter could have, and Anakin and I both knew Obi wan would pretext our little girl. Little baby Ari, she'd have such a perfect life.

Smiling to myself I stood there looking out at the shore. I wasn't watching the waves however, no I was watching my husband at the shoreline. Her was stood watching the sunset across the waves gently rocking out little girl. I didn't want to disturb him, it seemed he needed this peace right now.  I could hear him humming to her as he walked up and down the ocean side. He looked so at peace and felt it too. Threw the force his presence was soothed and intune with our little girl.

"Mrs Skywalker?? Mrs Skywalker?" I heard a voice calling to me and looked round. Quickly stepping over and sushing the young mandolorian girl. She gave an expression of realisation and nodded with an apologetic look in her eyes. I smiled to tell her it was alright then glanced back briefly to watch my husband.

"How can I help you Cherri?" I asked looking back to her. Seemed Padme had even found clothes to lend her to. The teenager was now wearing a T-Shirt and jeans that I couldn't help but wonder if had once belonged to Ari. The smiley face logo seemed like the kind of thing she would've bought.

"I um, I just wanted to thank you, you know, for trusting me, so yeah, thanks." She replied sounding a bit nervous as she rubbed the back of her neck. Yeah, this girl really was like Ari. I chuckled softly and patted her shoulder.

"Its quite alright, you did an impressive job...and if that hand of yourself gives you any trouble then just let me know and I'll ask my husband to look it over for you alright?" I responded looking down to her eyes. I still felt guilty about her hand but she seemed comfortable enough. However I knew from Anakin those prosthetics could be far from comfortable. She just gave me a smile and nodded.

"Yeah I uh, I will - oh, um, evening Mr Skywalker sir." The girl stammered now looking back over my shoulder. It was then I noticed my husbands presence had come closer. The teenager seemed terrified by this and I don't blame her since the last time they met he was hardly warm towards her. Turning my body to look between them smiled up to Anakin and leaned onto my toes in order to kiss his cheek.

"It's good to see you again Anakin, Cherri here was just thanking me for helping her out death watch, and I was wondering if you'd look at her prosthetic." I hummed looking up to meet the sky blue eyes of my dear husband. His gaze narrowed to look upon the girl. I placed my hand over his flesh one to try and settle him then smiled as our little girl cooed in his arms. "Hey there little one, do you want to cuddle with mummy for a second while daddy helps our friend here." I spoke sweetly to the little girl gently wrapping my arms around her body and taking her from Anakins hold.

"(Y/n)..." Anakin muttered under his breath as he let me take the little girl from her. Baby girl gurgled in my arms and giggled as she grasped at my hair. Meanwhile I gave Anakin a wink and a smile, nudging him towards the girl.

"Alright kid let's take a look." My husband sighed holding his hand out. Looking to the girl I could see she was shaking with nerves. So I met her gaze now and smiled softly giving her a nod which she copied slowly after a moment then placed her hand out for Anakin to look over. Anakin took it in a firm grip and raised it up, admiring the handiwork closely. At least he was showing he cared.

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