Chapter thiry nine

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Anakin and I were called into into a meeting with Obi Wan and master Yoda the second we set foot on the cruiser. Apparently it seemed Jabba the Hutts son had been kidnapped and we were being as fined to track the huttlet down. Anakin didn't seem best pleased with this development, though I can't blame him with his background regarding the Hutts. I can only image what kind of hell his childhood must've been as a result of that savage crime family.  The plan was made for Obi wan to go ahead to meet with the Hutts while me and Anakin along with our new padawans went after Jabbas son...which would be interesting to say the least...

"...well, not the break I was hoping for." I heard Anakin mumble with a sigh as the both of us left the conference room by the bridge and headed along the halls towards our rooms to change for the bounty to come and clean up. I understood what he meant, after our mission to Christophsis I was hoping we'd get to return to Coruscant and finally get married. But seems the force had other ideas.

"I agree, though at least they're not splitting us up just yet." I hummed while running a hand back through my fallen hair as we headed for a cross section in the halls. At some point I was hoping we'd get a chance to discuss the new matter of our padawans. Since we now had to young lives to look after our relationship was about to get a lot harder, a long with a number of others things.

"I'm glad of that to, with everything going on I wouldn't want you out there alone." Anakin responded with a sigh as we came to a halt, leaning back against the near wall and facing me with those gorgeous eyes of his.

"...truthfully I wouldn't want to be out there without you either." I replied with honesty, looking his way with a small smile. The idea of being pushed into this war alone was beyond daunting, especially now with a padawan to think of. Having Anakin around again after so long just gave me and sense of comfort nothing could replace. I hope he knows just how much he means to me...

"Come here Angel," He said softly while opening his arms to me. I guess my worry was present across my face given the kind gesture of care directed my way. Only hesitating for a moment i stepped forward, feeling his strong arms wrap round behind my shoulders as he pulled me close. Anakin made me feel like this was were I belonged, in his arms safe and protected from the rest of the galaxy. Without thinking I snuggled further into his chest like those far away nights on Naboo, feeling as he rested his chin over my head with a sigh. "...I promise I'll always be here to protect you..." Anakin whispered softly as his arms continued to embrace me with warmth.

The relaxing moment ended however when somebody cleared there throat nearby, the pair of us both tensing in the moment before hastily separating. Turning I noticed Master Kenobi stood with his arms folded across his chest and something of a reprimanding expression.

"I do hope I'm not interrupting anything." The man spoke eloquently as I glanced aside in embarrassment.

"Not at all master...I was just comforting (y/n)...this being her first battle and all." Anakin quickly responded with a casual air about him. How he managed to never get stressed out by these things I'll never understand. Sheepishly I nodded to confirm his story as Master Kenobi glanced my way sceptically.

"...For both your sakes I hope that's true." Obi wan replied after a moments silence, his words filling me with nerves. Was it possible he knew about our feelings and was giving us a warning not to take this any further, or maybe he was just being overly cautious. Either way it was to late considering when we return to Coruscant Anakin and I are to get married. Provided we do get back to Coruscant.

"Of course Master," Anakin replied as though wha the man was saying was obvious. Yet another thing I'll never understand about my fiancé, his ability to lie. "...I thought you'd left for Tattooine already? Aren't you supposed to be making contact with Jabba to inform him we're bringing his smelly son back?" He went on to ask with a wave of his hand. I turned and raised a brow towards him.

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