Chaoter seventy two

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Obi wans pov

"My apologies Satine, it appears I'm needed." I sighed while picking up my robe as I got up from the couch of the Duchesses hotel room. We'd just been talking, catching up after all these years apart. It was nice and of course I was sad to leave, but if Anakin's condition was going down hill I couldn't just stand by and do nothing.

"Don't worry Obi, I understand," The woman replied kindly as she emerged from the kitchen. She looked gorgeous as ever...I can't believe I ever left her before. Anakin truly was lucky to be so confident. "If it's not to much trouble I'd love to catch up further when you return." She spoke softly while smiling across towards me in the way that always gave my butterflies. She truly was a wonder...

"I'd love that." I responded giving a smile of my own as I walked over towards the door in a hurried fashion. (Y/n) seemed greatly troubled when she contacted me moments ago, she sounded as though she were crying. With everything going on she didn't deserve that pain, the young woman was near seven months pregnant for crying out loud, she should be in bed rest.

Exiting the Hotel room I ran through the halls towards the pairs apartment. It wasn't to far away, and with all the exercise this war had given me it wouldn't take long to arrive. There were some strange glances sent my way as I ran through the lobby but I merely ignored them and kept running the halls until I arrived at their door. Unlocking the latch as fast as I could I slipped through and quickly made my way towards where I could hear the girl crying. She was in the kitchen.

"(Y/n), oh (y/n) what happened?" I questioned as I walked through to see her sat on the floor holding Anakins unconscious body in her lap. Her eyes were teary and full of hurt as she stared down at him running a hand through his hair lovingly.

"...he, he started talking about his nightmares...saying how he couldn't bare to see me die...I couldn't bare it, I love him Obi wan, I love him so when he talked about going to Korriban and learning some sith technique in order to save me I just, I just grabbed the tranquilliser and stabbed it in him - I couldn't take it Obi wan,  I can't loose him..." Again she began to sob while cradling him in her arms, kissing the top of his head sweetly as the tears ran down her cheeks in streams. Letting go of a heavy sigh I knelt down opposite her and reached across to to tidy her hair where it had stuck to her brow. The woman was a mess, and she didn't seem to be getting any better by the second.

"(Y/n) it's alright, now you just go clean yourself up and I'll take Anakin into the living room, everything's going to be just fine, you just focus on calming down, stress isn't good in your condition." I spoke kindly while reaching across to gently tilt her head until she was looking into my eyes. Right now she needed some space from Anakin, seeing him was obviously upsetting to her, more so since she was a ways into her pregnancy. Her hands were shaking as I gently removed them from Anakins sleeping body, trying to steady the tremors across her fingers within the grip of my own hand. The girl nodded and lowered her head with a sniffle.

"Sure, yes, I'll go wash up and pack our bags..." She murmured as I helped her steadily back up to her feet, trying to keep her gaze off Anakin as I guided her towards the door. Once she was away towards the bathroom I turned back around and knelt back on the floor next to where Anakin lay.

"You need to be strong Anakin, she loves you a great deal, don't throw that away over some nightmare," I whispered while working to pick up the man I cherished so dearly. Slipping my arms round his torso i hoisted the man up over my shoulder and took him through towards the couch. "You're my brother Anakin...whatever you're going through I'm right here with you, I mean that." I added softly while setting him down on the couch and watching his peaceful expression as he slept. Force he could look so adorable when he was asleep, reminded me of the days he'd sneak into my room. He was so sweet and innocent back then, it pained me to see him struggle like this.

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