Chapter thirty seven

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"I, I can't believe this, I'm only a few years older than her, less than five I'm sure," I ranted while pacing up and down and waving my hands about frantically still in the state of stress. Anakin was standing by with his hands on the railing, surprising he was being the calm one for now.  We'd left the girls with the 501st in the charge of both our captains so we could get a moment to speak alone. At first it had been me trying to calm Anakin down, but it quickly turned to me panicking over the responsibility being thrown my way.  "I've only just returned to the order, become a knight, and they want me to teach? There's no way I'm ready-at least you e shown skill as a general already, but i, I-

"Angel calm down," Anakin suddenly spoke up while I was freaking out and I felt his hands cup my skinny biceps, instantly calming me a bit.  I inhaled and pressed my forehead to his chest while closing my eyes.  "You're the wisest person I know and I'm sure you'd make a great teacher...but if you feel the same later we can talk to the council, I know I'm going to." Anakin added while placing his hand on the small of my back and rubbing small circles with his fingers. I breath out a sigh of relief.

"...I understand...but I still think you should give Ahsoka a chance," I spoke, but then realised how hypocritical I sounded and looked up to see his eyes. "I know, I should follow my own advice or not give it at all...maybe we should both just try to make the best of this." I added, giving him a small smile of encouragement. For the sake of the kids we should really both try our best to make this work, at least for now.  Anakin sighed   And rested his forehead down against mine.

"...for you I'll try, but no promises on how it turns out." He spoke softly while gazing into my eyes with adoration and care. It was clear In these moments to see how much Anakin loved and cherished me, and of course I felt the same way about him.  I do hope he learns to show Ahsoka that care to...if he gave her a chance I'm sure he'd learn to become a great teachers. But I'm still in my teens, I'm barely older than Ari. I don't see any way I can teach, I mean, what if she finds out in the daughter of Count Dooku.

'Oh gods I almost forgot about that one'

"We should get back, we still need that report." Anakin then said, quickly pecking my forehead before stepping back. I nodded and stepped after him, inhaling a breath and preparing to get serious again.

"Yes of course, let's go." I spoke while filling up behind him, the both of us heading back along the roof towards where the troops were waiting.

As the others appeared before us I immediately noticed how Ahsoka seemed to be talking with Rex, and it looked like she was even making surgestions. Letting my eyes wander I saw my assigned Padawan hanging upside down from the roof railing. That girl has no fear.

"Ari get down from there." I called across while looking over towards her. Lucky for me she listened and immediately flipped up and back onto the roof. And I thought I was athletic.

"Yes master." She hummed while jogging over to join us, looking far to happy given this was a war zone. I was about to correct when I just shrugged it off instead and turned back to Anakin and the two clone captains. Anakin was back to looking awkward as he folded his arms over his chest and gave a small huff.

"So, what's the situation boys?" I asked while my husband appeared to be avoiding young Ahsoka's gace.

"Quiet for now ma'am, seems they're regrouping for another assault." Rex responded while looking our way, then casting his eyes across the two girls before back to us, well Anakin. "Sir, I thought you said you'd never have a padawan." He spoke more questioningly towards Anakin.

"There's been a mistake, the youngling a not with me." Anakin replied fairly quickly with a sigh. I rolled my eyes and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Stop calling me that!" Ahsoka protested while taking a step forward and narrowing her eyes a little before giving a small smirk. "You're stuck with me Skyguy." She spoke smugly while leaning back again. Me and the other two captains started laughing discretely at her words while Anakins eyes widened with surprise.

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