Chapter sixty five

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"Right then let's get to the baby plan." Obi wan spoke up while folding his arms across his lap. He looked so professional even despite the subject matter being discussed. This was after all a major break to the Jedi code.

'I bet that felt weird to say.'
Anakin thought from beside me, a low chuckled resonating through his chest where my head lay.

'I bet'
I responded holding in my own laugh as I glanced up to his eyes.

" you actually have a plan?" My old master spoke up with a concussed and impressed look as she leant forward in her seat. It felt weird having her in the know about all this, we'd always been close before but this was a little more than I ever thought we'd talk about.

"Well yeah, unlike you we decided against just running away to the outer rim." Anakin spoke up with an eye roll as response somewhat confusing myself. My master glared daggers across at Anakin and I could feel the tension rising as I'm sure everyone else could.

"Enough, I don't even want to know what that's about let's just stick to the matter at hand," Obi wan spoke up in his ever diplomatic manner trying to restore balance and peace to this room at least. The pair seemed to back off each other just enough to relax the room and let the mood settle. It may have been my imagination, but as the mood settled I could've sworn I felt the baby glow with joy at the relaxed fell. Placing my hand over the bump I smiled and looking from my belly across towards Obi wan.

"(Y/n), Padmè and I came up with a plan and Anakin had agreed to partake so long as you are," Master Kenobi began again by saying as he addressed me directly in a calm and reassuring manner. "You see for the past six months the senator has been wearing a strap on baby bump, we believe that this could be a way to avoid arousing suspicion from the council so long as we can keep you off Coruscant until the baby is born...and once it is Senator Amidala has kindly offered to take care of it until further arrangements can be made in a more peaceful time, does this sound alright with you? I understand you and the senator are good friends." The master finished saying, explaining the plan with great care. Evidently this all hinged on wether I agreed or not. There wasn't much of a choice, but I felt a lot more comfortable knowing Padmè was willing to take care of our little baby. She was a mix of a big sister and best friend, Anakin and i's baby would be well taken care of with her.

"That sounds fine by me I guess," I replied with a smile and a small shrug as I continued to lean into Anakins arms. Again taking a glance to Anakin and then back to Obi wan I went to voice my first question. "...will we be able to name the baby?" I asked shyly not able able to hold eye contact. It was a silly little question but I was secretly really looking forward to discussing names with Anakin. So far I'd only thought of a few girls names, and one or two boys. Obi wan smiled kindly in response and gave a nod as his eyes shone with a warm gleam.

"I believe Padmè will be just fine with that," Obi wan replied kindly filling my heart with joy as I looked to Anakin excitedly. Grinning I saw my expression reflected in my fiancé's face, Anakin seeming just as excited as I. "I'll leave you to rest, the Executer will be here within the hour to collect you both for our next mission...which you won't be attending before you argue." The man added while getting up causing me to pout since after everything I really didn't want to be left or have Anakin away from me. Looking up I frowned and sat forward to protest.

"No way, I feel better than ever you're no sidelining me like-

"(Y/n) stop, the decisions final you'll be staying on the ship out of sight where it's safe." Kaida interrupted in her usual stern instructive voice. My eyes uneducated darted to meet hers in the same manner they'd always done when I was still a padawan, the reluctance to disagree present strong as ever. Master Starfallen had this effect on people, an aura of power and strength. I'd always respect her.

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