Chapter one hundred and twenty two

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I'd left for Naboo a couple of hours after speaking with Master Yoda when the first transport of Coruscant left. Being that it was a priority military craft we arrived a little faster than the commercial transporters. After disembarking o headed into the city, trying to locate the orphanage my master had asked me to visit. It was fairly difficult to locate in the beautiful city and for a while I ended up just walking the floral streets and finding a cafe for breakfast.

Naboo truly was stunning. Someday Anakin and I would move here I'm sure - after all Padme keeps offering us various houses in the lake country. The kids would love it here I'm positive, plus Naboo has to be one of the safest planets I've ever visited. It's such a peaceful place.

After some morning pancakes I continued on my search for the orphanage master Yoda wanted me to collect a youngling from. I guess all the other masters were busy so he needed me to do this favour, though it made sense given he wanted me moved here. That was another thing to consider, come evening needed to be at the palace since Padme was sending someone to escort me to one of her houses.

I moved onto a road named Honeydew lane. It was a place down by the crystal blue waters with blossoms all around. It was quiet compared to the rest of the city, a lot led speeders and passers by in general. The speeder that was transporting me pulled up in front of a white stone manner with a sign outside that read 'Honeydew Orphanage'. I smiled observing the pretty house and approached the driveway, watching as a few young children ran across the garden giggling. At that point a sweet young woman noticed me and walked down to meet me.

"Oh mrs Skywalker this really is a pleasure, grandmaster Yoda did tell us you would be coming, please follow me,"the woman spoke shaking my hand as she waved another in the direction of the front door. I followed along after her as she excitedly walked into the building ahead of me.

"Little Kira was so excited when she heard she was getting a visitor, she organised all her toys ready to meet you." The woman chuckled glancing back over his shoulder while we proceeded further into the building. I smiled and nodded finding this behaviour sweet. Master Yoda hadn't even told me how old this youngling was but by the sounds of it she was still pretty new to life. Now Kira...that was a name I thought I remembered, but I didn't think Yoda ever mentioned it to me.

"Well that's just adorable." I replied as she reached a door painted pastel pink. There were flowers painted across the frame I pretty pale colours, the colours shifting as the young woman opened the door revealing a little room with two small cots inside. Upon one of them sat a little tan skinned girl with curled brunette hair. She was so small, she couldn't have been much older than Ari. However her presence in the force was predictably a lot smaller, though not as much so as I'd thought. For a youngster she had a pretty strong bond to the force.

"Hello sweetie, this is Mrs Skywalker from the temple on Coruscant." The woman I still hadn't learnt the name of introduced as she squared down by the girls bed. Kira looked up, her bright eyes met mine as she grinned. I smiled and sat at her bedside while she hugged a little porg stuffie.

"It's nice to meet you pretty lady." The girl replied cutely still looking up towards me. Their was something familiar about her face as I looked at her, some striking resemblance I couldn't place. Her features were sharp for someone so young.

"You think I'm pretty? Oh well that's sweet of you little one." I replied with a little chuckle. This girl was so sweet, probably shyer than Ari but there was likely a reason for that. She smiled seeming happy at my reaction. I was still sure I recognised her, there was just something...familiar to her her features...

"Mrs Skywalker? If you don't mind I'm going to begin taking Kira's bags to the door, do you happened to known when your transport will be arriving?" The kind young lady stood to the side leaned forward to ask as Kira again began to okay with one of her soft toys. I peered round over my shoulder towards the young lady and smiled, reaching into my pocket I felt around for the piece of paper my old master had given me,

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