Chapter fifty eight

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Anakins pov

"Troubling this is, killed by a sith this woman was...which one, impossible to say would be." Master Yoda the green little gremlin that spoke in riddles explained as the body (y/n) and I's padawans had found floated in a shimmering projection of white light before us, being held above the table and rotated round so no detail would be missed. When Ahsoka had said she looked like (y/n) I thought she was kidding, it was mildly disturbing to stare at a dead body that looked like an elder version of my soon to be wife. Oh and as for calling master Yoda a green gremlin that was completely called for after the very unhelpful advice he gave me earlier when I was worrying about (y/n).

"I was under the impression the sith worked by the rule of two, no?" Master Kenobi spoke up bringing a valid point to the conversation as he stepped forward towards the eerie table glow. Arms folded over my chest I looked from him backed to the big eared green space frog, quirking a brow as we awaited his response.

"True, this is, clouded however our vision is, a clear number of sith, we know not." Master Yoda responded with all the wise grace you'd expect of a Jedi grandmaster but none of the underlining factual context actually needed. In translation what he was really saying is that we knew nothing at all. Isn't that just brilliant, the love of my life is under threat from a sith assassin and we know nothing about their numbers.

"We do however have a few names on record from galaxy wide reports," master Windu, the Jedi I was always least pleased to see spoke up from where he stood beside Yoda. Pouting a finger out at the holographic control panel he scrolled left a couple of times before enlarging a list of names. "As far as we are aware Count Dooku works for a master thus far unknown to us while training his apprentice the assassin Ventress, both being members of the separatist alliance, then there's general previous of the droid army who also works under Dooku. After that our knowledge is pure speculation, we are aware of a Sith Apprentice that previous trained under Dooku, the identity of whom is a needed to know ordeal,

'Need to know?! He's got to be kidding right? That man nearly killed my future wife!'

And then there's the occurrence of Venic, again information regarding him is need to know, and finally there's Shira, again-

"Need to know, yeah we get it you don't trust us." I muttered in irritation of just how little the council was truly willing to share. Maybe if they just decided to communicate more we wouldn't run into all these problems. I'm pretty sure Padmè once sense the separatists represent a failure  to listen...maybe it wasn't the separatists, I'm not quite sure I didn't listen.

Master Windu was glaring at me for my interruption but honestly I didn't care one bit. If they didn't want to tell me stuff I wasn't going to feel guilty about keeping a few secrets of my own. It stilled pissed me off however that had I access to this retracted information I could have probably tracked down (y/n)'s tormentor by now.

"We have a dna match for the body." The doctor working at the side spoke up politely elevating some of the tension as he did so. Looking round to the screen Obi wan gave the man a nod and seconds later a profile appeared illuminated above the table.

"Her name was a Miss Karina Venna, fifty eight year old Humanoid from the ice moon Okarius." The doctor spoke suddenly turning what had appeared a simple unfortunate murder into something much more with those few words.

"Did you say Okarius?" I mumbled with furrowed confused brows as I leaned across to get a better look. Even Obi wan seemed confused and took a glance towards master Yoda. However their glance seemed to ill use to something I wasn't aware of.

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