Chapter seventy one

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"How many more shops do we have to visit? (Y/n)'s expecting lunch and I don't want to make her wait." I groaned as I felt myself pulled by the wrist through yet another store. At least I'd already bought food for (y/n), I just needed to get back in enough time to cook it up.

"So long as you're paying, we're going everywhere." Ari replied with a hum before dashing by towards another store. I rolled my eyes, now regretting giving them access to my allowance. Still they didn't have much money other than that they earned for small jobs. At least I got paid by the senate now, enough to fund a few gifts for them both at least.

"Is she always like this?" I asked while glancing down towards Ahsoka and rearranging the bags in my hands. So far we'd been to the market for fruit, more cookies and ice cream, clothes, everything. I swear they beers slowly bleeding me dry, but I didn't mind. These girls were the greatest, they deserved the very best.

"We don't usually get a chance to go shopping, but yeah I'd say this is fairly normal, though usually we're just window shopping for speeders and stuff," Ahsoka replied with a shrug was she adjusted her poncho. Smiling to myself I nodded in acknowledgement as we made our way over towards we're Ari was. As we were walking Ahsoka glanced across the market, taking a couple of glances towards some store just across the way. "I'll be right back, if you want Ari to leave soon just offer her sweets." The teenager hummed while passing off her bags onto me. Great now I was carrying everything for these two, just hope I don't drop anything. Ahsoka then waved and ran off across the street towards one of the other shops.

"Be careful!" I called after her as the protective instinct in the back of my mind kicked in. I'm not quite sure if she heard me but I'm sure she'd know to be careful anyway. Once she had disappeared out of sight I proceeded over to where Ari was. Approaching closer I saw she was looking over a series of small motivators that looked to be for a smallish droid. "What you looking at kiddo?" I decided to ask as I stepped in behind her. The girl jumped slightly and shyly looked up towards me.

"Uh, nothing..." She spoke suspiciously while letting her eyes drift to the side. Raising a brow suspiciously I said nothing and just looked down at her silently giving her another chance to tell the truth. "Okay okay, I'm building this droid for Ahsoka, you know how she'd been interested more in history stuff lately? I wanted to make her something that would document everything she found and help her studies." The teenager explained, her reasoning warming my heart. It was funny how one moment she could be hyperactive and the next so adorably sweet. Ahsoka had seemed more curious about the culture of centaur planets lately, she'd even taught me a few things I'd never bothered to study.  Watching as she looked shyly back to the parts I smiled to myself and looked across to call the stand holding over.

"We'll take the lot." I hummed while reaching into my pocket for a stack on credits I kept there. The store holder nodded and accepted my money before heading to collect a bag, picking up the items and placing them inside. As he did Ari turned and looked up to me with big bright eyes.

"Thank you master." She whispered after rushing over and hugging me, catching me slightly off guard from the sudden display of emotion. As I moved back there was a rustling sound from all the bags in my arms, but I still managed to warp an arm round her.

"Don't mention it kiddo, just, don't grow up any time soon." I spoke softly not particularly wanted the sentiment to be over heard in a public place like this. The press seemed to be all ways watching these days, since I had such a delicate reputation I didn't want them praying on some o small comment for a bit of gossip. There was no way I was letting the entire republic see how sweet I could be, that was saved specifically for my fiancé and padawans.

"I won't master, don't worry I never plan on growing up," The girl replied while stepping back and accepting the bag of parts as the shopkeeper returned. The pair of us then stepped back away from the shop a several other passers by walked over to the store. "Alright then, let's get going, even I'm starting to get hungry." The teenager added while beginning l walk towards the markets exit. Keeping a step behind her I smiled with a nod, happy I wasn't going to have to bribe her out the centre. Ari was notoriously hard to bribe.

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