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I was born to the harsh and unforgiving cold of Okarius: a small planet among the systems of the outer rim, far from the safety of the republic and the reach of Jedi protection

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I was born to the harsh and unforgiving cold of Okarius: a small planet among the systems of the outer rim, far from the safety of the republic and the reach of Jedi protection. This was a planet of ghosts, no one choosing to stay among its frozen waste-lands, all where either trapped by others or their own pasts.

Me, I was a refugee: an orphan in the snow, sold into slavery at the age of four when my mother suffered an untimely death during a speeder accident. I can still recall the smoke rising up from the wreckage: dread filling my tiny body as I ran toward where she had stood, then there was a flash, followed by darkness. Since that day I haven't been able to see the world around me, it's all just hazy blur-yet still, in a way, I can see. It's like there's this energy guiding me: speaking to me, telling me where to go and how to proceed. I can't say I understand it, but I'm grateful for it keeping me in work, without it I'd likely have frozen a long time ago, another ghost lost on Okarius...

Today was like any other day, I was working hard to scrub my masters floors clean before the dinner rush, my back aching as I bent over the cold stone. I'd heard rumours that a ship had landed on the outskirts of town: near the old warehouses that used to be used for starship repairs, long since left by any respectable company, but from what I heard it hadn't remained empty. I began to murmur an old song I'd leant from my mother, repeating the soft words again and again as I polished each and every stone tile. The words helped to sooth and calm me on these days were lonliness hung heavy in the icy air. Though I was soon interrupted by shouting from outside: blaster fire filling the air, which wasn't uncommon, bounty hunters often fought here, but this felt different. The floor beneath me shook and few glasses fell from shelves above, shattering across the ground around me as the yelling outside increased. I sat back shaking slightly, the cloth falling from my hands as I moved back beneath a table for shelter, trying to shut out the fighting sounds from just beyond the entrance.

"Wait that weapon," I heard one of the men shout as the blaster fire settled down a bit. "This guys a Jedi!" The same man shouted back, the blaster fire suddenly increasing again along with a new noise. The new noise was something unlike anything I'd ever heard before, it was whiring, like a blur of speed, something so distinct yet impossible to describe. Someone suddenly ran in the bars open door: causing me to flinch as they ran back, firing a blaster towards the doorway. I sat and hugged my knees, curling up into a ball as I hoped not to be noticed. Then that sound came again, that strange whirling sound, followed closely by a flash of green, a cry, and a thud. That's when I realised, the first man had been killed...
Silence fell over the room after the strange sound seemed to shut down. I didn't want them to see me, what if they killed me to? I had no way to defend myself, it'd be easy.

"Fear me do not young one, no harm will I cause you," My heart pounded in my chest as I realised this person was addressing me. Yet there was something familiar about this stranger, like the feeling I got from the energy that guided me, something secure and comforting...
With my heart in my throat I crawled out, careful to move around the scattered pieces of glass as I made my way out into the dim light. "Hm, what is you're name child?" He asked as I shakily stood up before him. From what I could tell, the man was not human, no defiantly not. Though I could not see him, I could feel great wisdom in his voice that told of many years travel and training.

"...(y/n), (y/n) (y/l/n) sir." I replied quietly while keeping my head down, not wishing to disrespect this evidently powerful off-worlder.

"Hm," He seemed to humming with an air of mystery in response. "Strong with the force you are, take you back to Coruscant, I would like to, to be a Jedi." My mind froze at his last word, he couldn't seriously mean that could he, that I, a credit-less slave girl, could be a Jedi. I'd only ever heard tales of the Jedi order: of the protection they gave the republic, of how they could master a mysterious energy called the force, and wield a weapon known as a lightsaber. I felt a spark within my soul as my young mind filled with fantastical ideas of becoming something worthy of notice.

" Jedi..?" My response came almost unheard, mesmerised by dream like opportunity that had be presented to me.

"Yes you," The small alien Jedi repeated with a slight chuckle it seemed as he pressed a evidently clawed finger to my chest, sparks running through my body from the energy his presence gave off. "A child so connected to the force without training never have I met, the force's will I feel this encounter is," He continued to say, furthering my confusion. Did he think this was fate or something? No I wasn't that special. And what did he mean the forces will? I just stared blankly back at him: unseeing and currently un-understanding. Was he serious about training me, surly the Jedi wouldn't accept someone who couldn't see to fight. "Worry about your sight you do, think it will effect your training? assure you I can my decision this fact will not change. Knowing this, back to Coruscant will you join me?" He asked, both setting my questions to rest while raising entirely new ones about how he could have possibly known my fears.

"Yes sir." I answered without much hesitation, feeling hopeful for once at the prospect of leaving this desolate hell.

"Good good..." He replied to me with a wisdom filled tone. "Now, go we must, a ship I have waiting on the outskirts, take you with me I will."
I nodded in understanding: feeling chills run down my spine at the idea of wandering the frozen plains in my minimal attire provided by my master. Ah yes my master, no longer would I have to suffer his drunken wrath, I could finally be free, free from his skewed idea of a contract, free from the cellars and long nights of work.

Free from this planet, free from the nightmares...

We left not a moment later: goosebumps covering my skin as the bitter air hit my frail exposed arms and face, though I no longer felt it's chill myself, nor did I shiver at its touch. Everybody seemed to be keeping their distance as we passed, muttering various worried comments as they cowered back into the shadows of the hide aways. With my head held low I kept pace behind the kind Jedi stranger who'd promised me such wonders that before I could only dream of. Icy drops of melted snow seeped through my uniform as we trudged out the town, out into the wild plains of Okarius, where few had ever returned alive.

My home was out here somewhere, abandoned for four years now, likey barried under a white ocean of ice and snow...

To say I wasn't afraid would be a lie: I was terrified, so scared of the uncertainty my future now held, afraid I may not be as special as this stranger thought, fearful he'd leave me along on the new planet. But then I felt him take my hand, that energy I'd grown up with flowing from him to me, washing away my worries and replacing them with reassurance and warmth.

Warmth, I can't remember the last time I hadn't felt freezing...

Fighting our way through the snow we reached his ship. It seemed small, but still big enough to comfortably carry us both far away from here as far as I could make out. While we took off I looked out through the storm at the faint blur of lights from the run-down town I'd been trapped within so long, a weight falling from my chest, as though my chains to this place had been cut away.

Today I woke up a slave, and went to sleep under the stars a free girl, eagerly dreaming off the future that would await me within the safety of the republic.

Under the guidance of the Jedi...

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