Chapter fifteen

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'The one'

I woke up the next morning to no Anakin and the smell of something sweet drifting down the halls

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I woke up the next morning to no Anakin and the smell of something sweet drifting down the halls. I got up in a drowsy yet hungry fashion and began to meander down the halls, finding myself entering into the dining hall while still wearing the trailing blue nightdress, and surprisingly I wasn't cold in such.

"Morning sleepy head." An annoyingly cheerful voice called out as I went in search of something with either sugar or caffeine present in it, in high quantities. I groaned and closed the cupboard I was scouring and looked round to see Anakin stood there with a goofy smile and two mugs of coffee, one thankfully held out to me.

"...morning." I mumbled while taking the mug, immediately bringing it to my lips and taking a few gulps, cringing slightly at how bitter it was. I walked over to the counter and searched round for the sugar, needing something sweet to soften the bitter coffee taste.

"Ah I'm sorry, I didn't know how you liked it," he said while walking over behind me, proceeding to wrap his strong arms round my waist and kiss my neck a few times over. "Padmè's still asleep, so maybe we could..."

I shushed him with one hand while using the other to keep the the mug of coffee
to my lips and finish a few more mouthfuls.

"Hands to yourself lover boy, yesterday was a one time thing." I stated after finishing the coffee, placing the mug back down onto the counter.

"Aww come on, one time? You're kidding..." He murmured quietly, brining his lips back down against my neck, trailing them teasingly across my skin, hands gripping at my hips more firmly then before. "...didn't you have fun yesterday Angel? It sure seemed like you did...come on, don't taunt me love..." he whispered into my ear, lips brushing the lobe as he pulled my hair slightly back for clearer access.

"...Anakin...not now, Padmè will be up any second, your timing, as always, is terrible." I said while trying to resist the urge to turn round and kiss him back.

"come on (y/n), we have the time." He said while starting to kiss around my shoulder with more hunger and passion, tugging at the straps of my nightwear. I actually had to use the force to stop him from pulling the dress down, though it was hard when I was trying to keep a clear head with all his persistent affection. As I was struggling with controlling my own urges I felt a new and familiar presence approaching nearby, and instantly breathed a sigh of relief that my struggle would soon be over.

"Anakin, Anakin Padmè," I said, warning him that she was coming in case he hadn't already noticed. Anakin seemed to get momentarily more passionate and needy, like he was trying to rush and savour every second. Suppressing a whimper I wriggled round to face him and placed my hands on his chest, attempting to weakly push him off. "Anakin, Anakin stop, she's coming." I continued to persist, keeping my voice low incase Padmè suddenly appeared round the corner.

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