Chapter twenty five

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Was I dreaming: or had Anakin really been holding my hand...did he really come to rescue me..?

Did he know yet..?

I hope he finds out before I wake up...


My eyelashes fluttered as soft sunlight poured in from outside, glossing warmly over my skin. A soft smile spread across my lips as I looked across at the love of my life who in urn was staring back into my eyes with a gentle adoring stare. Stepping closer his hands cups round mine and interlocked our fingers while dipping down and pressing his forehead against mine as we were enveloped by the setting sun of Coruscant. My eyes not straying from his I felt myself captivated by the man before me while a priest spoke quietly from behind us.

My gaze lowered to our hands, smile growing as I watched him slip a ring gently onto my finger. I admired the loop of metal, but I knew I admired the man who gave it to me more.

My love, Anakin Skywalker...

Dream ends

'(Y/n), (y/n) please wake up.'

The voice was faint in my mind like a call echoing down through icy water. I couldn't focus on it no matter how I tried, my mind was just numb and hazy, barely even awake. Flashes of memories crashed through my mind as I began to become aware of a growing pain from my abdomen. The last few events of my life where coming back in waves of sound and colour: the igniting of a saber, a crash from nearby, and a scream  erode darkness.

"Pathetic Jedi."
A deep voice mocked as an echo in my mind with a menacing chuckle. I turned me head and tried to cry out in discomfort but heard no sound.

"Oh I see, my dear little sister trained you," The sith spoke again while smirking down at me as he breached my thoughts and scanned through my mind, causing me a great deal of pair as he searched for the memories I kept hidden away. "No wonder you're weak." The man spat while grabbing my chin and pulling my head up to face him.

Again I tried to more, beginning to feel my fingers twitch as pain to my stomach area grew and became accompanied by another dull searing along my right leg.

"Still silent?...I'll break you soon enough...."

A red glow shone through my mind and my breathing shuddered as my body remembered the pain that shortly followed that remark.

"No..,no stop please..." I whispered allowed while turning my head from side to side, finally able to here my own muffled voice while I fought to open my eyes. As the pain intensified the brief yet striking memories became more vivid and frequent, my heart rate picking up with each one and breathing becoming ragged.

"She's destabilising.....stitches have come loose....starting procedure now." I heard a robotic voice say in patches, a ringing going in my ears preventing me from hearing every word and a delirious unfocusedness bought on by pain clouding my mind.

"Let me go! She's in pain I can help!"

Anakin...he is here...

I gasped and cried out as a new pain presented itself to my abdomen, crying out in that same muffled voice and opening my eyes a little. All I saw was white light and the occasional movement of a grey arm. I tried to move but quickly felt something hold my limbs down which ultimately caused me to fall further into panic. There was a rapid beeping echoing around the room in tine with my heart beat, the sound not helping calm me as I continued to try and move and break free. I felt trapped and not just by the restraints, but by my own mind as well. Those memories of what had happened were tormenting me, tearing me apart I eve by piece until I felt I couldn't breath. I had to break free, I needed to break free.

Force bound Feelings (Anakin Skywalker x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें