Chapter fifty three

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I felt a mask over my mouth and nose as I woke, my throat saw and raspy. There seemed to be something wrapped round my neck and pressing against my chin, most likely some form of medical collar. Wheezing I attempted to move my head and looked to the side only to find I couldn't.

"Oh captain, she's woken up." I heard someone say from an unseen place in the room. Shifting my eyes round I tried to spot whoever was in the room. But I still could see only white lights and bleeping machines.

"Thank you miss, I'll take it from here," I then heard captain Rex say, listening as heavy boot-steps approached my side. Rex came into view blocking out some of the blinding lights with his familiar style helmet. He then removed his helmet and set it aside so I could actually see his eyes. My lips parted to speak but only a few wheezing breaths came out. "Easy general, don't try to speak just yet you've suffered a bruised wind pipe and they're worried your jaw may be fractured." He added in explanation to my condition, helping me to understand why I couldn't move my head. They were probably just taking extra precautions to be careful. It was standard protocol when it came to neck injury.

I reached out blindly through the air and tried to find his hand. He seemed to notice and looked down, his land landing over mine moments later. I tapped my finger to the back of his hand before twisting my fingers as though I were holding an imaginary pen and pretending to scribble something.

"You want a pen? Right away general." He responded before stepping back out of view. There was a few clatter before I felt a pen glide between my fingers and a clipboard slip under my hand. Trying to imagine what the words looked like I began to scribble away. I was trying to ask if Ari was alright, but my the puzzled expression he wore I'm guessing my handwriting was illegible.

"Oh, Ari? The commander's fine ma'am, you don't need to worry about her." Rex replied in assurance though there was something in his expression that told me he was bending the truth. Scribbling on the paper once again I asked that exact question. Rex paused looking at the paper for a moment and frowned a bit. "The commander was injured ma'am, a slice to the shoulder, nothing major she's getting stitches." He added and I let out a pained sigh of relief, and closed my eyes. This is the second time that girl had defended me from a sith apprentice, I'd have to find a new way to thank her. She was so brave, when I froze up in fear last night she jumped in without hesitation. Then another thought entered my mind and I scribbled one last word onto the paper.


"General Skywalker's on his way ma'am."

Obi Wans pov

I'd received word from commander Cody an hour back that Captains Rex and Dice had reported an attack on Anakin and (y/n)'s apartment. Naturally I rushed right over to join the investigation, but when things appeared to be under control with the clone forces I instead flew back to the temple to ensure both (y/n) and the padawans were alright. Everything was in chaos, clones rushing about following reports on the attacker. I'd been doing my best to keep up with them however in passing one of the medical rooms I realised Ahsoka and Ari were probably in need of me more than the clones right now.

So I'd stayed with them both, trying to be supportive just like I used to be with Anakin when he was a child. Ahsoka was scared and on edge, Ari a little more composed outwardly but also seeming to struggle with her shoulder's injury. I was just trying to calm them both down, assuring them things would be fine.

It had been around three hours and there was still no sign of Anakin, which was mildly unsettling. The girls were cuddled up together sleeping in the rooms hospital bed. They had to be exhausted, a days travel only to be led into a unexpected night of fighting.

"General, could you step out here a second?" (Y/n)' clone commander Dice called in through the door. I lifted my head up from watching the girls and looked to the door where he was stood. Giving a nod I stood up and pulled the blanket over the pair of padawans. Quietly I closed the door after exiting the room and turned to the clone captain.

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