Chapter thirty one

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"(Y/n)! Oh it's so great to see you again!" Padmè exclaimed as she opened the door, immediately pulling me into a warm embrace with a wide grin. I chuckled a little and hugged her back, though I did since a little as she accidentally pressed on my stomach stitches.

"Ow ow...easy Padmè, got a few in stitches to mind out for." I said at which point she immediately pulled back with an apologetic look on her face.

"Oh I'm sorry, it's just so good to see you again...I was so worried when I heard you hadn't returned from Geonosis...we all were." The senator said solemnly with a sincere look in her soft brown eyes. I could see from her gaze just how deeply my kidnapping had effected them and it made me feel a little guilty deep down. I'd never meant to worry any of them so much...thinking back I really should've put up more of a fight. I was just so heartbroken and couldn't bare for, well for Anakin to find out the truth. I wish I could go back and cha few things, I guess I'll just have to be grateful for this time with my friends.

"...I'm sorry, I never meant to worry everyone so much..,things just got out of hand and well, options were limited." I replied with a sigh, desperately trying not to think about the pain I'd caused those close to me, especially Anakin.

"Nonsense no need to apologise, from what I heard you put up an incredible," Padmè response while looping her arm back behind my shoulders and walking me inside towards the couch. The both of us sat down opposite one another with the sith of Coruscant standing tall outside the floor to ceiling window alongside us. From what Padmè was saying it seemed neither Anakin nor Obi Wan had informed her of my little heritage revelations, which was rather reassuring. It wasn't that I didn't want her finding out in particular, but I just wasn't to keen on letting word spread. Being known as the separatist leaders daughter could place a lot of suspicion on me from the senate and even other Jedi, it would really be best if this could all be kept quiet. "Anyway enough of all that, I'm sure you're tired of being questioned about what happened so let's just have some girl time, got any gossip you'd like to share, perhaps involving a certain handsome young padawan..?" She asked with a growing smirk and a raise of her brows, obviously edging towards Anakin. I gave a laugh and lightly shook my head at her curious prodding for information.

"Actually, yes, the both of us were knighted this morning." I replied with that same grin I'd had earlier when telling Leia.

"Now way! (Y/n) that's wonderful news, oh I'm proud of the both of you!" The senator exclaimed while sitting forward with a glow to her eyes as she clapped her hands together. "This is cause for celebration, what's Anakin up to right now?" She asked while pulling across a data pad and glancing down to its screen as she switched it on.

"Oh he's with his battalion I think." I replied with a shrug, more curious as to hear about this 'celebration' she had in mind.

"Excellent, you and I can visit Lai'chibs then pick him up for lunch at the tower." She hummed with a happy look as she tapped away at the screen. My jaw dropped slightly at recognising the popular-and highly expensive attractions of Coruscant. Lai'chib's was a high end fashion designer used by many of the senators who visited, they specialised in elegant formal wear and wear known to use the finest materials in the republic. The tower was no different in quality, in fact it was an exclusive restaurant for members and friends only. Padmè sure led a different life to me that's for sure.

"No way! Seriously we're going there? Padmè you do realise my account probably has less than a hundred credits in it right now." I said as she placed the tablet down and got up to speak with one of the maids. What I said was true, Jedi padawans more got an all ounce than anything else and even despite not being one for flying I blew more of my savings on speeder bike repairs back before the mission with Anakin to Naboo.

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