Chapter ninety three

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"Mr Skywalker: the Jedi council wish to expel you due to breaking their code of no attachments, what do you have to say to this?" The man stood between the two factions spoke up while drones flew around collecting sound and footage for the numerous screens around. I looked to my fiancé stood on the platform to me left. Temple guards stood behind us with their staffs crossed, holding us close but most definitely apart. It hurt not being able to hold his hand, not having him hood mine. But that was just another way the Jedi were trying to break us down. Little did they know we were the strongest we'd ever been.

"I say mister speaker," Anakin began to say while stepping forward to the edge of his podium for all to see. The drones flew round the pair of us buzzing as they relayed feed to various news teams lucky enough to gain access. "I say go ahead: I love my fiancé, if the council believes that to be wrong then, well I guess we're in disagreement and though I love my life as a Jedi...I'll leave if they won't allow me to continue with my relationship, which, I'd like the record to show is a private affair between (y/n), I and my..." He trailed off looking down to the side just as we'd discussed. I bit my lip reading the subtle signal and therefore knowing what he was about to say. "...and my daughter Ari." He added and softly gasps spread like a rapid wave through the crowd. My eyes were fixed on Mace, watching his scowl worsen and trying not to smirk at the fury to pass across his eyes. This was all part of our emergency plan, we were playing to win through sympathy. The speaker cleared his throat to try and hush the crowd, looking across to address my fiancé.

"You: have a daughter..? May I ask how old?" The diplomat asked while whispers continued to flutter through the crowds of spectators below. Anakin cast his eyes to me and gave a loving smile before nodding and looking back to the man opposite.

"She's nearly five weeks now." Anakin replied with a proud smile and a shine to his eyes as he addressed the speaker of the house. The man nodded in understanding and looking back over his shoulder towards the chancellor. Palpatine had been very quiet since we arrived, though Anakin didn't understand why I knew. The old wrinkled sith was stilled pissed off because he couldn't get to me now. I was safe, Anakin was safe, and my daughter was safe.

"Mister speaker: Anakin is an exceptional father, a loyal fiancé and and an unrivalled general, to expel him over something so trivial as falling in love." Padmè spoke up from the where she stood to the side addressing our defence along side Bail Organa and a couple of other senators. We had support just like she said we would. And thanks to the little father play there was a strong sympathy vibe coming from the crowd below, just like we planned. Though looking from the collection of senators to the staging area where the Jedi council was sat. Apart from Obi wan they didn't appear to be changing their minds any time soon. Of course Master Windu was the one to stand up.

"This is not a matter for debate: Anakin Skywalker and (y/n) (y/l/n) broke one of our most sacred codes, an example must be made so others do not follow the same way." He announced across the atrium with all the firm authority you'd expect from a stuck up monster master. I tired not to roll my eyes and instead glanced to meet the eyes of my fiancé.

"A rule: might I say is completely out-dated," Padmè spoke up swiftly in addition looking from Mace to the speaker. "Mister speaker: a person can't decide wether they fall in love or not and therefore the Jedi have no right to persecute Mr Skywalker and Miss (y/l/n) for something out of their control," Padmè spoke in addition, her words causing a smile to creep across my lips. This was almost to easy, everything was going in our favour so far. Mace's plan to startle us into a surrender had completely failed. "Mister speaker: respected members of the house and even members of the council, I plead to you, a person cannot help whom they fall for, (y/n) and Anakin have done incredibly extensive work for the republic, they've fought battles and saved countless lives for us, they're heroes to the republic and admirable Jedi of there generation, to expel them after such service would be a severe dishonour." She finished and honestly I felt proud. Her words were inspired, eye openers for the people, and by the looks of it even a couple of the Jedi. From where we were I could see members such and Shaak Ti and Plo Koon looking to one another as if in silent debate. Then my eyes drifted to Obi wan sat at the end and I realised something. The man hand his hand subtly placed over the railing however three of his fingers were tucked back to his palm. I counted the members sat upon the councils row, five seats five councilmen. Obi wan was sending us a sign.

Force bound Feelings (Anakin Skywalker x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora