Chapter fifty one

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My head was foggy and I could feel a numb pain at the back, but it wasn't as bad as whenever I was lay awake. At least I was concours again, able to feel my chest rise and fall with steady breaths. Unfortunately this lap meant I felt the all to familiar bow twist in my stomach. Closing my eyes tight I cringed and tried to push back the nauseating feeling.

"I think she's waking up." I heard someone say through the shadows, the sound faint but comfortingly recognisable. Rolling on whatever surface I'd been left on, feeling my hand slip through the it to fall by my side off the edge of the known surface. That's when I felt him take my hand, intertwining his fingers between mine and giving a squeeze. There was a soothing relief in the feel of his presence, a calm nothing else could replicate.

"...Anakin...Anakin I think I'm gonna be sick..." I murmured in a hoarse voice I barely recognised as my own. A few quick shuffles followed along with some comments I didn't quite hear.

"Okay Angel, it's alright just take it steady, I've got you." I heard Anakin reply gently though with a sense of hurry as he helped me to sit up. My eyes cluttering open I felt a cold sweat on my brow and a metallic taste fill my mouth. Anakins hands were the most soothing thing in those moments that followed, his voice a gentle whisper keeping my heartbeat calm.

Moments later when my stomach was empty once more I finally leant back against Anakins strong frame, feeling as he dabbed a cloth to the corners of my mouth and then lay the back of his hand across my brow. Slowly but surely my vision began to clear until I could see the gorgeous face of my fiancé. Leaning my head tiredly against his shoulder I took a deep breath and felt my heartbeat begin to steady as him hand gently rubbed my arm.

"...what did I miss?" I asked after a few more moments quiet, looking up towards his face and finding comfort in those ice blue eyes. Anakin shrugged and ran his free hand back through his hair.

"Well, Dooku escaped again, but luckily we managed to use that to get out ourselves...that and well, Jar jar managed to help to..." he explained while rubbing the back of his neck. He seemed just as puzzled as I was by the fact the notorious Binks had been of assurance and yet Anakin had actually been there.

"Jar jar? I won't ask..." I responded with an awkward smile. It seemed we were on some form of ship I didn't recognise, most likely an escape craft of some sort. It was a surprise to see Anakin wasn't piloting, though I guess I must've given him quite a scare.

"That's probably wise," The man in question responded with a low chuckle, his chest vibrating beside my from the noise. A smile pulled up the corners of my lips at the sound of his laugh, it was a lovely sound to hear. "How are you feeling? Anything hurt?" He asked with care, hands following me as I slowly pushed myself to sit on my own beside him.

"Head's a little sore, but I guess that's what happens when someone smacks you with blaster,
nothing note worthy though." I lied in response. Truthfully I thought several of my stitches had snapped from the kicking and I was still near to seeing double from my prior beating. However telling Anakin that would only lead to problems. I know I said no more secrets but sometimes secrets were best during war time.

"Are you sure? You've been unconscious quite a while now, I think maybe you should get check out when we get back." Anakin spoke with furrowed brows and a worried from as he brushed the strands of hair from my brow. If it hadn't hurt to do so I would've rolled my eyes at the statement. Though in taking a glance to the side a noticed how his hair had a frazzled look to the ends, no where near its usual slick nearness.

"...Buy the looks of it you should be the one getting checked out, what did this?" I asked while reaching as had out and brushing my fingers over the burnt out strands. Without hesitation Anakin casually moved and took my bare hand in his clover one, pulling it back with a half smile.

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