Chapter fifty four

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Like all my dreams this one started in darkness: not a sound not a light and a smell, just, darkness. It didn't scare me as much as it used to. Even if a already knew the heartache that lay a step beyond its reach I'd go into that nightmare content that it was just that...a nightmare.

But this time it was different. When I reached for the door I knew would be there it, well it wasn't. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion as I ran my hand through the empty air, puzzled as to how after so many years of consistency me dream could have changed.

"(Y/n)..." An echoing whispered called throughout the seemingly endless expanse of darkness. And the voice though faint was one I knew in my heart oh so well.

"M-mum..?!" I called back mildly startled, wide eyes searching the bleak vision for any sight of the woman I'd lost those years ago. As I stared ahead as though cleared by my own gaze a white light was beginning to glow ever brighter throughout the darkness.

"...There isn't much time my just remember what you have come to forget," She spoke, the voice appearing to originate from that beautiful light source. Stepping closer my mind slowly retraced her words, unsure as to what she should possibly be referring to. "Be careful who you trust in (y/n)...he is coming to learn who you must lead him astray until the time is right..." She spoke again each phrase more confusing than the last. My attention was drawn in as I noticed the light fading, panic filling my eyes as i realised I had so many questions still to ask.

"Wait, wait don't go! I don't understand!" I called across while reaching a hand out to try and grasp onto the intangible light itself. It was no real surprise when the glow simply slipped through me fingers.

"We will protect you child...until the time is right..." Her voice began to fade with the dining light, returning once again to whispered as the darkness crept back in. Falling to my knees I reached out after her with a hopeless heavy heart. Andrew ten long years I'd finally got to hear her voice again...only to have it slip away through my fingers. I hung my head into my chest and placed my hands over my face, her words still swimming in my mind a frantic as a puddle in a storm.

'Au'ta morre.'

Those last words in the langue of my homework's were the last thing I heard as a quiet apologetic whisper right into my mind, and as they spoke a brief scene appeared right before my eyes. A lot lancet dark and plagued with debris: and hand that appeared to Ahsoka's the only visible indication of life, a hand gasping fighting to a comlink...only to let the device slip away down into the dirt below. The vision made little sense, but paired with her last words and it was easy to feel uncertain. Those words were simple after all and filled with a sense of regret.

I am sorry

Anakins pov

How did I get here? Actually no, where was here again?

Groaning into my folded arms I cursed the world for being so damm noisy. Even my own breathing was giving me a headache - and don't even get me started on my back. Opening my eyes was possibly the biggest mistake since the bright hospital lightly immediately made the pain in my head go from bearable to a full or migraine. Groggily I reached my hands up from where they lay on the bedside and rubbed my eyes, frowning as I realised the world was still spinning around me and I was practically seeing a blurry double of everything. Even (y/n) actually.

Squinting to look closer however I realised I couldn't be seeing two of her: the image was to stable, and her double wasn't lying in a hospital bed. Which led to only one conclusion and that was that there was a woman I didn't know standing over my further wife. Immediately i tensed and went to stand up and defend her from this stranger, however my legs were more wobbly than I expected and by the time I was actually standing she'd already walked round away from (y/n)'s bedside. This was either good or really bad and I couldn't for the life of me figure out which in my hungover state.

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