Chapter one hundred and fourteen

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This was unbelievable, Ahsoka was right there! I mere projection away. Months of silence and nothing but rumours - six to be exact and now she shows up right out he blue. This was incredible, I was feeling such a wave of joy it was hard to even remember for a few seconds we were in the midst of war.

Stepping forward I placed my hand in Anakin's, giving his a little squeeze. He'd been there during the time she was accused of being a traitor, he'd suffered to pain of watching her spiral when it felt the world was closing in. For him this had to hit home on a much stronger level and I appreciated that. I could feel the ecstatic relief radiate off from him as he stood there utterly star struck. Our Ahsoka looked to have grown up all of a sudden, gone were the tan tube tops and leggings, replaced now with amour and the smart attire of a mandolorian accepted soldier.

I know my cultures, those patterns were unmistakable.

"Ahsoka, it's so good to hear from you again, how have you been?" I asked stepping forward so that she would be able to see me on the projection. I wanted her to feel comfortable, to know we still cared enough to ask after her. Anakin and I would always have her back jedi or not, she was part of the family.

In response she gave a small smile and glanced briefly down to the side. She then looked back to meet my gaze as Anakin continued to stand in silence.

"I've been good," She replied with a shrug but before I could say anymore she was speaking again. "But that's not why I called, I'm here speaking on behalf of the people of Mandolore - they're suffering (y/n), darth maul has seized control over the system and is using the pykes to instil a state of marshal law, he has to be taken down." Ahsoka responded sounded far stronger and more confident of her words than when we last spoke. Gone was the girl who sat and worried over past mistakes it seemed, Ahsoka had gained the independence she set out to find. I was so proud...

However though her words did concern me - not just me in fact, at the side Obi wan grimaced at the mention of the man who killed his master. Maul had always seemed have this obsession with Obi wan ever since their duel on Naboo, you ask me he acted like a crazy stalker but the type that wanted to kill you rather than sleep with you. Then again with Maul you could never be entirely certain, perhaps he did have a thing for Kenobi.

"Maul is incredibly dangerous Ahsoka, he's not one to take on alone." Obi wan chimed in while my mine momentarily drifted, wondering whether Maul had a stalker wall of Kenobi pictures. The comment did draw my thoughts back however and as he spoke up I noticed the crease of a frown across Anakins lips. Clearly he was thinking the same thing.

"I know master, but the people of Mandolore are suffering." Ahsoka replied with determination. Behind her I noticed movement then watched as the image of Bo Katan flicked to life at her side. Now this was something of a surprise, racking my brain I could recall the woman having said she didn't want to partake in a loosing battle.

Did this mean she now believed we could win this war?

"Then we can send support - I can divide the 501st and second once more and send Rex's unit to support your advance." Anakin suddenly spoke up clearly eager to help any way he could. Obi wan however shook his head and was quick to intervene.

"That won't work: unfortunately Ahsoka is no longer a part of the grand army of the republic, she has no authority to lead a battalion...if the council heard of this they w you'd be quick to point out she is now merely a private citizen..." Obi wan sighed with a disheartened look understandably not liking his own words but knowing them to be fact as we all did. Ahsoka no longer had authority to command, neither did I for that matter - but that was Anakin's doing. He filed discharge papers so I wouldn't be tempted to work during my pregnancy.

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