Chapter one hundred and eighteen

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"Kaida I said I was sorry." I persisted with an eye roll as we walked along the now horizontal life shaft. The woman was grumbling yet again though this time she had a fair point, as the list had tumbled I, and so Obi wan as well, fell right on top of her. Despite muscle mass she was still a fair bit smaller than me.

So yeah, she was reasonably pissed off.

"Just don't talk to me." She replied in a huff. So I actually did, I mean it was fair enough. As we were walking along I looked at the back of her head since she was now leading the March. I then looked across to Nial who met my gaze giving an apologetic look and a shrug. Guess even he couldn't take her temper all the time.

"Hey...does anyone else feel that..?" Nial then asked, stopping between the panels and taking a look around. Still holding Obi wan's arms over my shoulders I walked a little slower and narrowed my eyes to look around. Master Acaina had a point, something felt a bit off. The whole ship was creaking again. Then the floor started move again and my face dropped...

"Everybody to an exit now!" I shouted scrambling back with Obi wan towards the nearest exit out the lift shaft. Everyone else began to scramble after me as the ship began to move faster round. As the floor became the wall I clung on looking down to make sure everyone else was safely holding on. They were, luckily. Of course this was the moment my master apparently woke up, the man giving a sharp gasp before clinging desperately to my shoulders.

"Good gracious..!" The man exclaimed scrambling to grab ahold of my shoulders. Ordinarily I'd find the action annoying but he did just have the fright of his life. Besides, I was focussed more on clinging onto the railing.

"Welcome back master, we're facing a bit of a situation currently." I hummed trying to gauge the distance between where we were and the nearest exit. It was still quite a distance away.

"I can see that," Obi wan replied with that classic sarcasm of his. I rolled my eyes and looked down instead. Kaida, Nial and Dooku were a whole level below, further than the next exit below. It looked like we might have to split up.

That's when I heard the rumbling up above, and again cursed. Thank the lords Ari wasn't here to hear all of this...(y/n) would have my head.

Okay not the time.

"Is that the-

"Yeah it's the lift." I interrupted my master to say.
I'll at this point I was starting to sweat from the pressure. We'd need to move out the way incredibly fast by the rate of speed it was travelling down at. If we didn't scram then we were going to get flattened.

"Nial..." I spoke pulling my grappling-wire from my belt and hoping the man below was doing the same. I was going to have to latch the wire to a railing grab the Count and jump in the hopes of swinging onto the landing below.

Another Skywalker special...

"On it - we'll take the chancellor and meet up with you at the rendezvous point," Master Acaina called back up to be in the few seconds we hand. A frantic moment later and I'd leapt from the ledge pulling  Dooku - much to his protest -  to me with the force as my metal hand gripped tightly to the th n wire. By the screeching sound coming for my mechanical hand and the smoke rising up from the fingers I'm thinking some parts might need replacing after this abuse. I could feel Obi wan's spirit practically escape his body in shock behind me, won't deny that was kind of funny.

We were only in the air for a few seconds at most but those few sec new are some of the most focussed I've ever been. Landing was fairly simple, I swung into place and my boots touched the ground just as the lift roared by behind. Letting go of the Count as I  inspected the damage to my hand and allowed Obi wan to unhook his hands from my shoulders like some petrified loth cat.

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