Chapter twenty six

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Third person pov

Master Nial Acaina was a thirty year old Jedi knight who followed orders to the letter and was well respected among the temple for being level headed and reserved. On this particular timeless moment in space the newly named general was stood aboard the bridge of his cruiser the Diligance, tapping his fingers on his forearm as he paced with his arms folded back and forth slowly by the observation window. After a moment he stopped, eyes alertly scanning down to a flickering light on the wrist of his glove, clicking the key and looking over the transmission while his lips creased into a frown.

"Admiral Murrin, prepare the ship for hyperspace." He instructed while walking over to the holo table where both the officer, clone commander and the Jedi's padawan were stood around.

"Of course general right away." The man said with a nod while stepping away to further instruct the officers sat at their stations. While the man walked away the young boy looked round with confusion to his master, clearly unsure as to what was going o .

"Commander, prepare the men to head out in their fighters." Nial added quickly, clearly on a role with his orders, being efficient as always.

"Master have we received a new mission?" The blonde boy asked while looking up at his master, who was staring downing at the hollow table with an expression of deep thought.

" Bynn, this is, something else," the master replied with a strange level uncertainty for him. The man then looked back up and rubbed his dark green gloved hands over his face with a small groan. His whole outfit in fact was a neat sharp dark green, militaristic almost. His emerald eyes then glanced back across to the boy. "We're going into separatist space on a rescue mission to recover Master Starfallen, general Skywalker and (y/l/n), it's going to be risky, I'm not entirely sure what lies ahead, which is why I'd like you to stay here aboard the Diligence." He informed while looking completely serious as he addressed the boy.

"...yes master I understand, I'll standby on the ship in case you need help." Bynn replied with a respectful bow of his head. Before the master could reply a light began to flicker on the hollow table along with a bleeping. Both Jedi looked to the table with question, Nial stepping round to answer. The blue holographic image of Obi-wan appeared on the table.

"Master Kenobi, a pleasure as always." Acaina greeted with a polite nod to the fellow master and general.

"Master Acaina," Obi-wan greeted in turn with a small nod, folding his arms over his chest. "I was wondering wether you'd heard from or seen my padawan's been over two days since I heard from him and I must admit I'm a little concerned as to what he could be up to." He asked with a moderate look of worry. Nial let out a sigh and placed his hands down on the table, glancing down with a light shake of his head before looking back over at Master Kenobi.

"Actually master...I do know, but I'm afraid you won't be best pleased with the answer. Master Sfarfallen and Skywalker went on a rescue mission after (y/l/n)...and I've just received a transition that leads me to believe they're in trouble." He admitted with a serious expression while addressing Kenobi, who seemed to be growing more and more concerned.

"...I was afraid of this," Obi-wan replied with a sigh as he glanced down and stroked his beard in thought. "I trust you have their location? I'll be over as soon as I can to assist in the rescue." He staged while looking back up across to Nial.

"As you wish Master Kenobi, I'll transmit the coordinates over to you immediately." Nial stated with a nod, trying to assure the fellow master even despite his own worries.

"Very well, then I'll be there shortly." Obi-wan replied with a nod while Acaina sent some hand gestures across in order to Instruct the nearby officers to send across the coordinates.

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