Chapter Three

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Darkness swelled all around me like a silent storm, not a light not sound to be heard or seen. I felt a shiver run down my spine, my skin growing ice cold in the shadows grasp. I knew this place, I'd been here thousands of times before, waiting and watching as my mind tormented me with memories of my past. As  I walked ahead through the soundless halls, hand outstretched ahead I finally found the door handle I knew would lie ahead. My breath hitched slightly in my throat as I clicked the old fashioned handle open and gave it a slight push, trying to prepare myself for what lay on the other side. As expected: a scene of snow and fire filled my hazy sights from beyond the door, not a sign of a helpful soul in sight as the two craft crumpled together as one. My heart almost stopped when I saw the woman stuck beneath the rubble, her face pale and eyes vacant as she reached ahead desperately towards safety.

"Mother..." I whispered walking over to the frail woman, kneeling down in front of her and taking her hand in mine. Even if it was just a memory, I never wanted to leave her. She looked up at me, a small smile lifting the corners of her lips.

"...My beautiful baby...I'm, so...proud..." She spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, growing fainter and fainter as her eyelids began to dip down. I felt a warm tear roll down my frozen skin as I knelt forward, pulling her torso up into my arms for a final embrace.

"I know..." I cried as her hand fell down my arm, limp and pulse-less like every time before...

Not a second later we were both consumed by a white light, my mother disappearing from my arms and leaving me alone and cold. I fell to my knees with teary eyes, curling up into a ball, letting the darkness surround me again. Tears ran down from my (y/e/c) eyes in trickling rivers along my cheeks, cold as melted snow and just as silent. Then something different happened, I felt a warm presence wrap around me, my eyes opening to see beautiful crystal blue...

Dream ends

"...Desert boy." I mumbled in my barely conscious state, feeling at ease for once after the nightmares end. Slowly I allowed my eyes to flutter open, staring up at the pale ceiling as I small smile appeared on my face. I must be going mad, dreaming of a boy I barely new-but there was just something so soothing about his presence. The sound of speeders began to  fade into my hearing while I woke up, the dream dissipating from my thoughts as I realised I should probably get up for training soon.  Slowly I began to get up and ready for the day, brushing my fingers through my hair as I straighten out my robes, singing a simple rhyme from my childhood. Feeling unusually relaxed I stepped out from my room and began to walk to master Yoda's chambers with a warm hum in my heart.

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